Monday, 24 February 2025

Lunch out!

My client cancelled Thursday. Joe suggested we go out to lunch or dinner. Off we went to Smiths Falls for lunch.

I've noticed this silo over the years. They tore down the top and seem to be rebuilding it. You can see someone using the snowblower.

The river is frozen over, it's got snowmachine tracks and fishing huts on it. You just have to embrace winter!

Boats in their coats tucked up for winter:

Parking lots have lots of snow piled up, I noticed on our first stop. It may that some this week. Slowly, I hope. It's going to be above zero this week. A slow melt is much preferable!

Icicles drip from some homes, towns are struggling with snow removal. 

We tucked in for lunch. 

What I like about ordering a large, as opposed to a lunch-sized meal, is I take half home for dinner the next night. 

We drove through Lombardy. This home, on 0.5 acres, is for sale again. There was an open house Sunday. It has a lot of history. My 97-year-old client (who passed away during COVID of natural causes) told me about its past uses. Bakery, post office, the addition was removed as it was well beyond its best before dare. 

Otter Creek Antiques: Store Deconstruction in Lombardy Prior to deconstruction, Nov., 2018.

It used to be Otter Creek Antiques! It was renovated, and again Lombardy home for sale

There is an Open House Feb. 23rd, 2025

Let's all have us a good week. Calmer heads prevail. We've a 🇧🇲 provincial election for Thursday. I am not hopeful. 

1 comment:

eileeninmd said...

Lunch looks yummy! Take care, have a wonderful week!