Here was my post on Walkies Part 1, Cinn and I went down to the frog pond last week after the thaw. Up the hill we went, back up to the backyard for part 2. Cinnamon wasn't done his walk.
"So, says Bob, go out at dusk and listen for the Barred owl chicks. I heard one chick screaming for food. I heard something else in the forest. Quietly, I prayed it was a deer. I watched, with baited breath. When Junior Bear began to smell me, and look for me (in the trees, you'll note), then cross the wetland, I backed up and startled him. "
I did find the owls another day! This was 2016.
Non-mental note: gotta read the mini-manual since I took 921 videos of this scene on the new camera. I think a weed triggered it. I laughed... It's been three days, and I keep forgetting to take new batteries and the (slim) manual with me.
In the meantime, we had both rain and snow. We are covered with snow, again. It is a lovely, warm blanket. Central Ontario is suffering from Lake Effect Snow, cold winds picking moisture up off the warmish Great Lakes. Some have had 40 - 80 cm. It looks like about 3 or 4 here.
The deer are out there nibbling at my dead phox and filling their bellies. I see bunny tracks in the snow, as well! I'll have to see if I have a video!
Adventures everywhere! You need a body cam like the cops wear if you're going to be stalked by bears! Linda in Kansas
Cinnamon loves a good walk. What a great cat he is.
You have had some great sightings on your walks.
I like the bear and owlets.
Take care, have a wonderful week!
LOL on a body cam! We had something similar to a GoPro for a little while which was fun on our mule rides!
You have great adventures!
As we continue to melt in the heat I love seeing your cool walks. I suspect our cats would be inside flatly refusing to even go near the door (like my partner).
What a great encounter with the young black bear...who had a scent of something interesting but never seemed to find it. So glad you were there to see him/her.
Somewhere I read of huge snowfalls in Ontario, I thought it said the southern area. Meantime down here snow flurries about 1.5 hours north of us, on the Desert Road. We have had cold starts, with 9C this morning !!! And this is summer.And reading your words, I think of the lyrics " If you go down to the woods today..." .
I love owls! They are so cute. So many critters.
I cannot believe that you are that warm! Love that coyote video from the other day, how cool to catch that on video!
I enjoy walking with you and cinnamon AlohaI enjoy walking with you and cinnamon. Aloha!
Love the owl photo, Jenn. And Cinnamon walking the fallen trees. We have very little snow (and not complaining about it!). But we are part of the polar vortex so very cold. Happy day to you!
I love going on your nature walks, thanks for taking us along. I like to go back and take two or three looks before I leave here. Thanks Jenn!
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