Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Monday was garbage day!

I went into town on Monday. The wind was throwing around the garbage cans. Mine were rolling around. I threw the can behind the fence, the recycling bin (in the ditch) I'd pick up after I shopped.

I like online orders. Stores still give me the heebee-jeebies. 

Arriving in the designated parking spot, I grabbed my phone to let them know I was there. Then, I reopened up my wounded finger. I wrapped it in a tissue, while the employee and I loaded up my car. 

Thankfully there is a First Aid Kit in the car! 

Back home, I had to bring in the garbage can and recycling bins. It was cold.

The snow blows onto the roads, and it is suddenly slippery. When it went to -14 overnight, everything froze. Black ice on the road is dangerous. 

 A storm!

Power was out for a lot of homes, very spotty, which is more difficult for Hydro to repair. I checked it to see if we should get our flashlights out! 

We are south of Perth, and kept our power.

Not everyone was so lucky. As I sat in my chair, I saw four emergency vehicles zip by, lights flashing. I wished them well., out there in the dark.

Cinnamon was bored. Nutmeg had already gone to bed all by herself. She is a loner.

We had another 7.5 cm overnight. I have some work to do! See you on the other side.


Jeanie said...

Monday's our garbage day too. Sorry about your finger -- and I love Cinnamon's play tube!

Leslie's Garden said...

We don'''t get much winter weather here in Georgia, but when we do black ice is a real problem. Lots of accidents. People driving too fast and looking at their phones. I prefer to stay home and avoid all that. Sounds like you are super cold. Take care and keep warm.

eileeninmd said...

Cute kitties! It is supposed to be really windy here today. I hope the power stays on. Take care, have a wonderful day!

RedPat said...

It is really windy here - a day to stay indoors.

Mary Kirkland said...

I really don't like going into stores either. I totally get that.

Anvilcloud said...

It is garbage day her, and our drive has been plowed.

Elephant's Child said...

Stay warm, stay safe.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You had some high winds.

We lived in a town in western Oklahoma. Our street was north south and wind the winter winds blew it blow everybody trash cans down to a vacant lot at the end of the street some distance away. So after work I would have to go down there and try and figure which cans were ours.

Barbara Rogers said...

I'm late reading today's blog. Hope you all have kept power, and the new snow isn't icy! Oh Cinnamon, you are so cute! (Please convey that to him, Ms. Blogger-big-person.)

Lorrie said...

You've had a lot of active weather lately. Glad you could get into town for supplies. Stay warm and cozy.

Kay said...

My daughter in Chicago was telling me about cars sliding on black ice. I remember those days when driving to school.