Monday, 13 January 2025

Happy Monday!

🏫 First up, big news from Ottawa. Jo has gotten early acceptance into Carleton University to study astrophysics in September! I looked it up. NASA says, astrophysics looks to answer questions like these:

We are incredibly proud of Jordan! He is well-rounded, smart, and a leader. He can sew, sketch, take excellent photos, sing, act, has done cross-country running, works on the yearbook. We are so proud of him. It's even better when you are a grandparent. None of the work and all the glory! 

Jo came out as trans last year. He's finding his way in a crazy world. Thankfully, there are many who have paved the way for allyship and understanding. We are as supportive as we can be. We love our grandies!

Here is Jo, surprised at his birthday present! 
A telescope for his 17th birthday in December.

The kids went for a walk in Ottawa. Caitlin sent me a photo of Hog's Back Park! It is a great spot to visit. When I took my advanced qualifications (1980: Sp.Ed.) at Ottawa University, it was two nights a week in winter. I used to skate on the canal after classes, in the dark. Skates shushing on the canal. It was so peaceful. 

I went to visit a nearby friend. On the way, I spotted a pond that was shovelled and a couple of people were skating! That is so Canadian!

Shadow shots!  

The garbage is out, coffee is on, the day begins.


Val Ewing said...

Congratulations to Jo! What an accomplishment!
I'm so glad Jo has your support and he is finding his way in this crazy world.
We need more grandparents like you and more understanding folks.
Shadows! We haven't seen the sun in a few days so we would love to see shadows! :)

Anvilcloud said...

Ours has also been accepted there -- something to do with the law.

Leslie's Garden said...

JO is very impressive! What a lot of accomplishments. I'm also glad that Jo is getting support from a loving family. I like the shadow shots! Keep warm!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yay, WTG Jo!!! I remember my first telesope - so much joy. YAM xx

Kathy G said...

I am in awe of people that can navigate deep science questions.

Barbara Rogers said...

I looked up Carleton and liked the way it is described! Astrophysics definitely sounds like a great idea to start college. He may always change to literature (not likely) or something else as he matures in his interests! What a talented bunch you all are!

KarenW said...

Looks like we are in for a bitter cold snap after a warm week. A nice snow falling this morning.

RedPat said...

The kids are growing up!

Elephant's Child said...

Huge congratulations to Jo.
Love your shadow shots.

tz_garden said...

Congrats to Jo! That's fantastic.

DrumMajor said...

Congrats to Jo! Cool accomplishments. Hope he finds a planet we can move to if needed. So nice your grandies have your love and support. I thought the kitties were shadows at first. Linda in Kansas

DrumMajor said...

I just can't imagine skating in the dark. Quiet yes, and peaceful, but a moon would help. Linda in Kansas

Jeanie said...

This looks lovely! Adoring your shadow shots. And your grands are lucky indeed to have wonderfully supportive grandparents. I suspect they realize that already but one day they'll know for sure that this is a true gift.

Lowcarb team member said...

Great news - many congratulations to Jo.

All the best Jan

Mary Kirkland said...

Congrats to Jo, that is so great.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

The shoveled pond brought out so many memories of my childhood, thank you! We used to spend hours on the local pond, playing hockey, broomball and just exploring

eileeninmd said...

Cute kitties and I love the shadow shot.
It is so cold, everything is freezing.
Take care, have a wonderful day!

Red said...

Congratulations to Jo on the acceptance. Much success on this journey.

William Kendall said...

Bravo for Jo.

I have not been to Hogs Back in a long time.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Congratulations to Jo! Way to go!