Tuesday, 14 January 2025

More snow!

The moon was lovely Jan. 12th at 6:30 p.m.! 


Jan. 13th 

What a day! It started off with putting out garbage at 6:45. The driving was awful, despite the snowplows going up and down. 

I did the sidewalk twice, as well as the deck. By the afternoon I decided I ought to do the driveway.

A fox turned up on one of 3 cameras. The time stamp was wrong. They are supposed to have a wee battery that keeps time when you change out batteries. It seldom works. I spent a goodly amount of time trying to see if it appeared on the Crumbly Acres camera. I could tell from tracks that it came right up the driveway. I couldn't find it. 



 From Sunday to Monday! 2 deer


I bought a painting to brighten things up. Alison Sawatzky, my friend and neighbour, delivered it to me. 


Jeanie said...

That painting is fabulous. I can see why you bought it -- and it looks great in the spot you put it.

Anvilcloud said...

Yesterday was good here. We didn't have to shovel, and I got out for some pictures. I like the new art.

Barbara Rogers said...

Well geese, a painting of trees and snow! Just the thing to remind you of what it looks like right outside your windows! (Joking!) It is beautiful, and I do like the style of rendering the snow to designs of blue grey and white. Loved seeing your video of deer who don't seem bothered by the light being having a motion detector.

Elephant's Child said...

I love your beautiful new painting.

Shug said...

lots of snow in your area. Good morning Jenn. Your painting is so pretty and it looks like you found the perfect spot to hang it. Ever once in a while we see a fox at the farm...I love the beauty of the red fox. Happy Tuesday..

Kathy G said...

That's a lovely painting, and just the right size for the location.

RedPat said...

The painting looks wonderful by the birds.

Red said...

Shoveling snow when it snows forever is overwhelming.

Aritha V. said...

What a nice painting! I like it too

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful moon capture and I love the deer video. Your painting is pretty. Take care, have a great day.

Leslie's Garden said...

I love the snow but am glad I don't have to shovel. For us, it's just a holiday to play outside and build snowmen. Keep warm!

Leslie's Garden said...

I often wonder what wildlife we might have at night. Perhaps I'll get one of those cameras. It would be so exciting to see a fox! Thanks for showing us your wildlife!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful painting.

NatureFootstep said...

My world is also white nowadays. It was welcome, I was bored of the dull autulm weather. :)