Friday 10 May 2024

Sunny day!

 That was a day! The power went out, twice. It came back on. Happy dance! I've been watching the CNN coverage of the trial. Such drama! I found out later it was a planned outage to replace hydro poles.

It was a good day for flying!

The two Freds are doing well. Still nest building, and eating! 

fred 1 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Lots of weeding, and checking in on the garden. I picked up another tick. 

There was lots of sunshine, in between lots of clouds! I took a moment to record this tulip. I just love it. All alone. A bright pop of colour in the garden.

There are some others that are similar, but a little yellow.

Walking down to fetch the mail, I spotted the flicker flying to the tree. I watched it for a moment. The leaves are nearly out. They are nesting in the dead elm nearby, bless their little hearts. I present an archived photo.. It was a lousy photo of him in the tree!

I sent Joseph Brian to the store. He brought home two goldfish. I liked the first photo, with the weird googly eyes, but there are just two. 

We were tired by the end of the day. We finished rewatching Unforgotten, Season 4. Hooray for old age. We'd lost the plot! Cinnamon enjoyed it.


Anvilcloud said...

Unforgotten is just tops IMO. IIRC season 4 is a tough one in a sense.

Barbara Rogers said...

Yay for springtime new fish, flickers, and Cinnamon watching (?) that show, which I've never seen. It must be good or you wouldn't have watched it twice.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

You would not want to do a pick count if you lived in North Dakota. My friend had over 20 on him after taking a 5-minute walk through a wood lot. Meanwhile, down here in South Dakota, we will probably not see one.

Karen said...

Is the aquarium ready for new tenants?

eileeninmd said...

Love the pretty tulips, the goldfish and your cute kitty.
Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

Hena Tayeb said...

We forget the plot sometimes too.. especially when a series was on a break or there is a part two of a movie.. we go watch the recap on youtube..

Cloudia said...

New fish for the pond! That's rather exciting. Your tulip 🌷 is spectacular

Elephant's Child said...

Hooray for spring. Not surprised you were tired by the end of the day - I often get tired reading about your accomplishments.

Red said...

I like spring. things change by the hour. Things are changing quickly at your place.

tz_garden said...

I'm not sure Cinnamon was paying attention to Unforgotten, lol.