Thursday, 7 March 2024

Cinnamon walkies Part II

 In Part I, Cinnamon spotted an owl for me. 

barred owl Mar 3 1 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

We had an excellent shoreline walk.

The wetland is still frozen.

coyote scat

In Part II, Cinnamon found a crow up in the tree on the opposite side of the frog pond. I urged him to keep moving and leave the bird in peace. The bird flew off, squawking.

Cinnamon ice walkies from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The pond is still frozen.

He just sat and looked around. He had his eye on something at the end of the pond.

As I walked up the path, I heard the owl sing the barred owl song, "Who cooks for you?" ðŸ“¹

I climbed up to the driveway, up the hill and Cinnamon continued to sit and watch. We've geese and ducks flying over, but the pond isn't open yet. 

🦉Barred Owl ←my master sighting list!

JB was out walking, and I decided to take him to see the owl poop under the tree. This used to be the favourite tree of the Daddy owl that nested here in 2016. There are lots of rodents around, as well as a rabbit.

Below is a feather I found on his favourite perch in this tree back in 2016! 

Imagine my surprise as I looked up and there was the owl.  I turned to JB and my jaw dropped. What a fabulous coincidence. This photo was taken with my iPhone, and it was really difficult to photograph. This was lightened quite a bit. The bright sky is too much of a contrast with the dark wood.

Anyway, this is what we saw. We were thrilled. The videocamera did a better job.

Mar 5 barred owl from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Val Ewing said...

wow, you sure got a great shot of the owl despite the lighting.

We have a nesting tree in the back of our acreage where the owls nest each year. Twice I've been able to get shots of them. Most of the time I don't have a long lens with me since I am hunting out tiny plants.

Your walks look amazing. LOL on the scat. People think I am odd for looking and ID'ing scat, but I think it is an important way to know what is going on in the forest!

Anvilcloud said...

Well there you go. Is that synchronicity or serendipity or both?

Barbara Rogers said...

What a lovely owl to greet you - same one twice? And Cinnamon is always cute to watch!

RedPat said...

How lucky to have another owl sighting. Cinnamon certainly like his walks with you.

Jeanie said...

How cool is that -- looking for owl poop and finding an owl! I love it! Our ponds are open -- yours will be soon!

DrumMajor said...

Cinnamon was trying to tell you that your owl friend was up there! Nice to see that a cat can go on walkies and still be safe at home, as long as he doesn't catch a crow! Linda in Kansas

The Furry Gnome said...

Great sighting of the owl!

tz_garden said...

Whoa! What a beauty! I love owls, such a thrill. Cinnamon takes it all in stride doesn't he?

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Little miracles -- you two saw the barred owl at the perfect time! So neat that was when you were both there. I think it's also miraculous the way your kitties go with you on your walkies!

Red said...

Watch for a nearby nest. they start nesting in Feb.

DeniseinVA said...

How exciting to see the barred owl. I would be over the moon. Cinnamon certainly enjoyed her walk.

Ontario Wanderer said...

What good luck to have the owl there!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I had planned to visit you for Part 1 of Cinnamon walkies, but I can only sit so long, then must lie down.

Cinnamon is a wonderful companion to have when you were on the lookout for that owl. Glad you and hubby found both the feather and the owl. I cant believe Cinnamon doesn't mind getting snow on his paws. Bleubeard sees snow through the glass door and runs like crazy.

Great shots and videos, Jenn.

River said...

I don't see any owls where I live, I think the most common is the Tawny Frogmouth but they don't live where I do. I am too close to the city.

Patio Postcards said...

How absolutely delightful that you & Cinnamon discovered the Owl. Such a beautiful bird.