Sunday 25 February 2024

Last winter blast?

 The temperature dropped Friday afternoon. About a degree every hour. It was startling to watch.

Saturday was a cold one.

Cinnamon found a warm spot on my lap after I'd removed the tag from JB's jacket. Fortunately, JB didn't need the jacket!

The deer are sitting on the pine needles to chew their cud.

There were quite a few deer as we wrap up the rest of winter.

I think the contact paper is working. I am loathe to use your pie plate idea, AC, as we've had a lot of wind. The tapping would be louder than the bird! I just don't want him sitting on the railing and pooping. He keeps this up all year, not just during mating/nesting season. 


eileeninmd said...

The cardinal here does the same thing, silly bird.
Take care, have a wonderful day and happy new week.

RedPat said...

My feet were cold all day yesterday! It is a lot better today down here.

Nancy J said...

The whiskers twitch, the tail wags, and the cardinal must know it is safe out there.,. Watching the temp fall is fun, years ago we had one evening like that, in 1982 !!! Not as dramatic as yours, but for our place, quite startling.

Hena Tayeb said...

Yikes, that sure is cold! Stay warm.

Cloudia said...

Say I hope your finger feels better! Cinnamon has the right idea

Kay said...

Oh my gosh! That IS cold! I haven't felt that cold in a while, but I do remember.

DeniseinVA said...

Brrrrr....very cold! Cardinals are interesting to watch. My sister-in-law had one continuously tapping on her car's side mirror attacking its competitor. She eventually bought mirror covers as she didn't appreciate all the packages he left. Have a great week Jenn :)