Saturday 24 February 2024

Saturday's Critters

The coyotes are beautiful. In all our years here (14), I've seen them in the yard twice. Once was when he was sneaking up on Daisy, the other time was this week at 7:30a.m.:📹 backyard coyote

Our turkey, Archie, whom he chased up the tree this week, wouldn't agree. I think that is who Chad coyote was after. He flew up into the big pine tree.

All of my images come from screen captures on the trailcams as they are wary of humans here and elusive. They are quite aware that our local farmers and hunters have weapons, and they aren't aggressive when humans are around. 


coyote from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The poor critters in the snow!

coyote feb 18 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I love how they mark their territory in front of the camera!

coyote cedar corridor from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The deer don't mark!!!

deer cedar corridor Feb 18 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

They do wash ups where ever they need to!

deer in the sun from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Have a great weekend! Visit more critters here: Saturday's Critters # 532


RedPat said...

They certainly look quite healthy.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love getting out in nature but sometimes I'm glad I don't encounter wild animals very often. I'm a bit afraid of some of them. But I love looking at your videos!

Karen said...

I hear them quite often, but they don't often appear on the trail camera. I pulled the chip from top of the hill yesterday, Ten days and NOTHING moving.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

We've had coyotes in our neighborhood green belt. They are not afraid of humans.

Lowcarb team member said...

A great collection of critters.

All the best Jan

Barbara Rogers said...

I somehow don't like coyotes, maybe because their dinner is so many cute furry little ones. Of course my rational self says this is the cycle of life. But I admit I'm afraid of them. Now deer, they are the most cautious things, aren't they! Glad your turkey knew coyotes can climb trees.

Red said...

I guess the coyotes get caught at your place as you have the cameras set up. Coyotes will lay low in the daytime.

Jeanie said...

That coyote looks wolfish to me! I'm glad Archie can fly!

Cloudia said...

Wow! Thank you so much for sharing your life with nature and the animals!

Val Ewing said...

Ask anyone on opinions of coyotes and you'll get different answers.
They don't bother me or my mules. My mules chase them.
They do however take newborn cattle from my neighbor's farm.

You videos are really neat!

Kay said...

Good gosh! That's a HUGE turkey. They must be all fluffed up for the cold.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Love the diverse range of wildlife in your backyard!