Monday 26 February 2024

A new week begins...

 I begin with vicarious fun! Josephine had a leadership camp at school. Two nights, beginning Friday after afternoon. She attended last year, as well. Imagine her joy when she was able to hold a snake. She adores reptiles.

Now this was my thrill: another shed antler. Right under the big pine tree. A little one, with an interesting groove in the end.


Out front, the Dratted Red Squirrels (DRS) are out and about. They are hilarious, roaring after one another in spring glee.

I managed to clean the goldfish tank. Percy is growing fat, methinks. You can tell by the fins that he is a male. Isabelle looked it up when she was here. 
Nutmeg has become interested in him, and sits beside the counter. Percy thought she might feed him 😜 and pressed his mouth to the glass. She leaned over to him, curious, and JB thought it looked as if they were kissing! 

JB was finishing off his curling watching the basement TV. I found a murder mystery on TV: Haunted Harmony Mysteries: Murder in G Major (2023). As I watched the opening, I saw it was based on a book by Alexia Gordon. The star is a lovely young woman, her foil is a ghost, but the setting (Ireland) is amazing, with castles and ruins. It was lovely to watch.

Filmed at: Hollywood Cillín Chaoimhín Knockroe, Black Castle ruin, Corporation Lands, Black Castle ruin, S Quay, Corporation Lands, (Co. Wicklow); Gormanston Castle, Gormanston (Co. Meath), Ireland.


This weather is so strange. It was -14 ℃. yesterday morning. This morning it was 1, no, it's up to 2 ℃ with snow on the way. The skating canal had to close after only being open a couple of days.

The wind has been quite strong.

I have to get dressed and put garbage out. I hope it is just snow, not rain! 
In the mornings, the deer gather when I open the garage door thinking I'll feed them.


eileeninmd said...

I know you were happy to find the antler.
Cute kitty watching the fish tank.
I will have to look out for that mystery movie.
Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

Latane Barton said...

I am happy that Josephine loves reptiles. But, me... I don't want anything to do with them. Creeps me out. I'll have to check out that movie as Ireland is one of my favorite places.

Barbara Rogers said...

Ditto what Eileen just said...loved seeing deer stopping on the driveway. Is he thinking, "Those hoomins put this hard ground here, crossing the known and well used animal highway...but it is rather warmer than the walkway through the woods- but sigh, no food available here!"

RedPat said...

How lucky to find the antler.
The weather is crazy this winter.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love watching squirrels!

The antler was quite a find

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love your deer, the only I am getting is photos of me checking the trailcam.

It is mid 80'sF here today going to middle 40's tomorrow.

Anvilcloud said...

J can have the snake, but you've got an antler.

Red said...

The deer have you trained.

The Furry Gnome said...

It's been a tough year for the canal. Every time I open your blog I'm reminded how much I like your new name, 'Crumbly Acres'!

tz_garden said...

That is cool you found the antler, and that Josephine got to hold the snake. They scare me, good for her.

DrumMajor said...

What does the big fish say to the little kitty? Linda in Kansas

DeniseinVA said...

Josephine must be having so much fun at her leadership camp. The only time I have ever held a snake was when the local reptilian rescue brought a few to our son’s school. My daughter-in-law also enjoys reptiles. In fact she has a pretty corn snake called Peaches. I would enjoy finding a shed antler. Squirrels always entertain me. I didn’t realize you could tell the difference between a male and female fish. Thank you Isabelle, and you too. I thoroughly enjoy learning these things! That is a cute photo of Nutmeg. Fun to see the ‘kiss’. Thank you for the info on the murder mystery show. I am always looking out for one. It sounds intriguing. Our weather has up and down temperatures also. Must be lovely to see your deer in the morning. Another interesting post, thanks Jenn.