Monday 27 November 2023

Forest bathing with Cinnamon

 Cinnamon and I went walking last weekend. 

We found ourselves two owl pellets. Owls cannot digest bones and fur and regurgitate them out in a tidy pellet. I put them in an empty cat food can to dry out. Then, I got ready to take them apart to see what I could find! Grampa put out a note of warning:

"Don't steal Gramma Jenn's chocolates!"

I can't believe how much fur there is in two pellets! Really well compacted in side the skulls.

This is our walk. He had a blast.

cinnamon 1 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

It is pretty on the edge of the wetland.

cinnamon 2 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I love his poofy tail, as he roars around with me.

cinnamon 3 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Back indoors, it seems that people are enjoying the fine weather. Loop de loops in their flying machine.


Olga said...

You live in a perfect place for forest bathing.

Divers and Sundry said...

I love woodlands and like the forest bathing concept.

Owl pellets are fascinating, aren't they!

Barbara Rogers said...

Love how he checks out the scents (left by other animals?) and leaves a bit of his own on sticks! What a great adventurer he is!

Anvilcloud said...

That is a slightly odd hobby, but just slightly. 😁

Christine said...

Good for Cinnamon out and about

Rain said...

I love that you take your cat for a walk! Interesting about the owl pellets!

Hena Tayeb said...

Wow I had no idea about owl pellets. So fascinating. Though I don't think I would have wanted to explore what was inside.

Elephant's Child said...

I am so glad that you both got to indulge in a little forest bathing.
Owl pellets are an amazing thing. I believe some of the raptors cast them too.

RedPat said...

Fascinating stuff in the owl pellets, Sami.

Jeanie said...

You are the only person I know who takes apart things critters have erped up, dry them out and take them apart. I am fascinated by that. Very much so!

DrumMajor said...

You gotta save those bone parts and pellet pics for somebody's science class! Cinnamon is quite the explorer. Linda in Kansas

Lorrie said...

A walk in the forest is always so relaxing. There is much to see. It looks like Cinnamon enjoyed walking along that mossy log.

Tom said...

...I won't steal your chocolates, I promise.

Lowcarb team member said...

Nice to have a walk in the forest ...

All the best Jan

Ontario Wanderer said...

Nice Owl pellet findings!

Red said...

The mysterious owl pellets. I've never found one , but the next owl I see in a tree I will look for pellets.

Far Side of Fifty said...

The Owl pellets were very interesting!

Crafty Green Poet said...

It's lovely to see Cinnamon enjoying the great outdoors! Owl pellets are fascinating.

tz_garden said...

Ha, I love seeing Cinnamon outside all fluffy and frisky! The owl pellets are cool, reminds me of outdoor school and dissecting them.

Kay said...

Those owl pellets are so interesting. I'm wondering if you also taught science. I can't remember. Perhaps you were a science teacher. :-)

DeniseinVA said...

Isn’t nature amazing? Cinnamon has a great life!

William Kendall said...

Cinnamon enjoys walks.