Wednesday 22 November 2023

A young buck visited!

There is so much happening in the world. This family, closer to home, had a house fire in January. They are still working on it. It hurts my heart all the issues around the world, and near to home.

The birds aren't bathing much, and my heater looks a bit the worse for wear. It took me forever to find a replacement screw with a nut. That said, it's away in the cupboard. The plug pulled out of the extension cord, and I cannot trust it. 

I switched out the bird bath fountain with a heated bowl. Thank you, A/C!  It is so much easier to clean during the cold winter.

We had a visitor on Sunday. A young buck, likely a fawn from this year. He was hanging around the front yard in the afternoon. I suspect he's lost his Mama. We'll watch out for him.

young buck from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


COVID numbers are up in Ottawa. Poor 😷Isabelle got it last week. Thankfully, she's well vaccinated, and only had sniffles, a sore throat, and headache. She was able to make cookies on Thursday, and she stayed home from school on Friday. She is on the mend, however. 

Ontario is only tracking long-term care and congregate settings. Almonte, Prescott and Kemptville have cases.


In an aside, my mystery bug (seen laying eggs) seems to be an Arthropod of some sort:

New updates in the last 24 hours from iNaturalist Canada

medolark added an identification to an observation 


Tom said... birds feeders attract more squirrels than birds.

Barbara Rogers said...

Such a sweet young buck. Sorry to see your neighbor's home was damaged, and still is being repaired. And ACK to that virus 19 again! I woke up to a leak under the toilet. Hope our maintenance man can fix it. This is why I rent!

DeniseinVA said...

So glad Isabella is well vaccinated. We are getting our shots soon. Your graphs are always interesting. Sad about those people and the fire. The deer enjoyed his pumpkin snack, delightful video and photos. Thanks Jenn!

RedPat said...

The young buck does look a bit lonely.
I know a few people who have come down with covid lately - all vaccinated thank goodness so not really very ill for long.

eileeninmd said...

Love your young buck!
Take care, have a great day!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Hopefully the buck can figure out how to get through the winter.

Our state, Oklahoma, has not released covid stats since May. The feds say that we had the highest cumulative covid death rate in the nation. One in every 254 people in Oklahoma have died from covid.

Anvilcloud said...

FWIW, I came across an article yesterday that opined that heated birdbaths were not a good thing since they can make the bird more susceptible to cold. Just thought I would pass it along for your consideration. Who can know what's right or wrong?

Divers and Sundry said...

I've tried providing heated water, but I haven't found a system that works in our space.

I hope the young buck has a good winter.

Fires are devastating. So much that's lost is irreplaceable :(

Elephant's Child said...

I hope your young buck finds friends/family. And that you escape covid.

J. S. Vila said...

Is so beautiful to live in this forestal área, with wild animals near. You can see interesting things.

Red said...

Some of the young deer are a little goofy. Funny that most of them survive.

Juvenal Nunes said...

Um conjunto de informações sobre o que se vai passando no espaço à volta.
A aparição do cervo é talvez a ocorrência mais interessante.
Afinal a natureza existe e merece ser respeitada.
Abraço amigo.
Juvenal Nunes

William Kendall said...

A colleague tested positive for Covid today.