Sunday 29 October 2023

Daffodils are in the ground!

 It is 3 C. this morning. A bit of a shock. Maybe rain or snow tonight. It will switch over as the warm front moves in. Yes. We will stick with that thought!

Friday vs. Sunday morn!

Friday was a lovely day, after a morning of rain. I managed to plant about half the 100 bulbs. As I dug, I realized the 'soil' is sandy, crappy stuff. It is just awful. When they built the house, they seem to have simply plowed it flat. When I planted the bulbs, I should have amended the soil.

Saturday afternoon, another double-digit day, I finished the job. For the second 50, I put some top soil in with them. Good thing. 

After I was done that, I went back to frogging. I couldn't believe it! 
Oct. 27    moved   19 + 7      =  124 

I think, with the warmer temperatures, they've been congregating where they smell water. I am encouraging them to go to a more reliable winter habitat. 
Someone asked if I think they are coming back, but I do not think so. The new ones aren't as spooked by me, and come up for air after about 30 seconds. That is when I nab them! 

After a break, I collected another    +13 =     137!

Can you spot the one leopard frog?! They like the wet grass all summer. I was gleeful when I caught it. It was sitting on a rock on the edge of the pond, and as soon as I opened the front door to come outside, it jumped. It's been there a few days eluding me.

The wetland is wet. You can see the invasive frogbit growing, while all the leaves are done.

Cinnamon still isn't doing walkies with me. I promised I'd protect him from the fisher (on the trailcam on yesterday's post), but Cinn sat on the lower deck waiting for me as I walked to the back 40. Moral support. Smart kitty.

Indoors, Joseph Brian has been cleaning out his office. Do you know how many pens, markers, highlighters and pencils we have? I haven't told him about the drawer in my office in the basement! 



Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I tend to accrue stationery... it's a bit of "a thing"... YAM xx

Tom said...

...good for you planting daffodils. I love them, but hate planting them.

Barbara Rogers said...

I was shifting things from one box to another, and still have an unsharpened pencil here by my desk. The electric pencil sharpener sits unused, next to my very old video camera. It used little tapes, and I think I threw most of them out. Wish it had a card memory instead. Don't know if the battery even would charge again. Why do I still have it? Too much trouble to try to give it away somewhere. You will have such happy daffodils in the spring!

Christine said...

Time to hunker down in warm clothes! Maybe I shoukd do some decluttering too, like Joseph Brian.

RedPat said...

I'm impressed that you got all the bulbs planted. It will be a gorgeous sight in spring.
Those frogs owe you big time.

Anvilcloud said...

I noticed the snow icon on Alexa this morning. We shall see what eventuates. We may be hard-pressed to live without furnace heat until Wednesday.

You should be thankful about your daffodil planting come spring.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I talked to a builder once here in Tulsa. He told me that he made a lot of money selling topsoil that he removed from building lots when he was putting in foundations. He says only one homeowner in a hundred told him to leave the dirt on site.

Elephant's Child said...

Well done on the planting front. I/we hope to have the liliums my partner purchased in the ground this week. Most bulbs are heavy feeders so we will add some fertiliser as we put them in.

Nancy J said...

I have lots of pencils, and even a few from my Dad's boatbuilding days, the sturdy carpenter's pencil.Staedtler, medium, I can just make out the name.Hope those daffs give you a glorious show in spring.

eileeninmd said...

Wow, well done planting all those bulbs.
I will look forward to seeing in bloom.
Take care, have a wonderful week!

Hena Tayeb said...

haha.. that last sentence is everything!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I hope the frogs are not returning! Stay warm is is chilly out therer!

Kay said...

You are Mother Nature to daffodils and frogs. I love daffodils. It will be wonderful in spring.
Snow? Already?

Ontario Wanderer said...

Continually amazed by your frog work!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the purple hair, have i said that yet? are you still sporting that? love it!! so happy and fun! you can never had too many pens, pencils and other writing utensils. so funny!! thanks for the laughs. and always enjoy your weeks, what a blast. interesting. ( ;

Red said...

Fall chores never seem to end

Divers and Sundry said...

I switched to mechanical pencils years ago. I'm not sure we still have a "real" pencil in the house lol

Our temps dropped from highs in the 80sF to lows in the 30sF in 3 days. It's predicted to be unseasonably cold for a few days before moderating. Brrr!!!

I trust the daffodils will survive the soil. They're pretty tough, after all.

Jeanie said...

I was so glad to get a little bit of nice weather over the weekend -- time for a good walk I didn't plant anything new in the bulb line, but well done!