Monday 11 September 2023

Week two of September!

 Outdoor chores aren't so bad in the cooler temperatures. Overhead, the hawk was yelling and circling, looking for lunch. 

hawk from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I really should get my regular camera cleaned, but I cannot figure out where, when, and how to part with it! 

Lest you believe the myth of the peace and quiet of the country, the trucks, cars, and motorcycles are roaring by. I'll be happy for the snow to slow them down!

rural traffic from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

 There are a few more tomatoes just about ready. There are new blooms, and we'll see if they have time to set fruit.

I was going to rotate the planter. Having noticed a large spider web, covered with white flies, I figured I'd best leave it.  Can you see the web? It is amazing. The web is full of bugs, which disappeared overnight. It is dewy this morning, with fog. 

Looking for spidey, I found it. It is very pretty. I thought about going out in the night to see if it is active, but decided not. The mosquitoes are delicious, still. Or we are delicious to the mossies. 
I think it a common yellow orb spider, araneus

There are 650 varieties of orb spiders, all helping keep the bug populations in control. iPhotos says this one is a black and yellow argiope. It was a massive spider I spotted in 2007.  I was working in Port Carling, where I saw it eating just off the porch.

JB redecorated my disintegrating carved bear. I don't know how long he has. Bear, I mean! 😆

Datura continues to blossom!

Nutmeg snuggled up to Tiberious. She is sitting on my Gramma's old quilt and JB's The Bears blanket. We discussed getting new covers, but didn't settle on a plan! 

Isn't that sweet?!

This is Percy. He's happy. I think. Soon I will have to bring him in.

 It is garbage day. I'd best get myself dressed. JB gathered it all, and I'll lug it out. Another week begins. Hope life treats you well.


Olga said...

The pond is so pretty. Where will Persy live in the winter?

Tom said...

...getting high with your Datura?

Anvilcloud said...

I've already made the rounds today -- GT, bank, gas. I am so proud of myself. 😊

eileeninmd said...

I like the dressed up bear. Your waterlilies are pretty.
Take care, have a great day and a happy week ahead!

Barbara Rogers said...

Gauging happiness of Percy the fish is a good thing to know. How about mamma spider? I'm somehow interested in happiness these days. Cats definitely know it...they purr for us.

RedPat said...

It will be a big change for Percy this year. Will he be isolated totally from other fish?

DrumMajor said...

Surprised the kitties will sit near that stuff tiger! Please keep your pretty giant orb spiders; I don't want them in Kansas! Linda in Kansas

DeniseinVA said...

That’s a busy road you’ve got there. One time to look forward to the snow to slow that traffic down. I would dearly love to grow some tomatoes, hopefully next growing season. A beautiful spider’s web and fascinating spiders. Bear looks lovely in his new outfit. I looked up the datura plant as it seemed familiar. I realized I had seen them in Virginia but can’t remember where. Nutmeg and Tiberious are very cute and Percy will no doubt enjoy his winter accommodations.

Elephant's Child said...

Love that web. And Tiberious.

Cloudia said...

I so love our visits. It was amazing hearing the hawk! Aloha!

Ontario Wanderer said...

We need a lot more spiders!

Divers and Sundry said...

I lived out in the country near a highway once. The cars and trucks were loud! When we lived on a less traveled road we could hear the crickets better. What a great web with its industrious spider. I'm always impressed by those big, colorful spiders. Your pond looks lovely.