Sunday, 10 September 2023

Cats, snakes, garden, new curtains!

 We had an emergency Friday morning. We were out of canned cat food. Nutmeg was not amused. She lobbied hard, threatening to call the SPCA. JB visited the vet, and bought some more. WHEW!

She was the cutest little kitten

When I washed floors prior to the kids visit last week, I did something just for fun. I know in some better Zoos and rehab centres they provide games for the animals to entertain and challenge them. I switched the cat food dishes. Normally, Nutmeg eats on the right from the white bowl, and Cinnamon eats from the dish on the left. The certainly visit the other dish if the other cat isn't around and their bowl is empty. The dry crunchies I only put in one bowl. 

What I have found is that the dishes do not matter, the right side is Nutmeg's. She is the boss. She'll nudge him out of the way. He had his fill and she worked at his side for him.


Poor Cinnamon hasn't been going outdoors for his morning run. Now, it has been up to 34˚ C. outdoors, and that might have explained it. The other explanation is that Pepper, our visitor cat has been, or he had an encounter with something (skunk, Fred, coyote, etc.). The cats don't like the dew on the plants, either. They spend a lot of time grooming after their dewy walkabout.

Whilst at the vet getting food, I asked JB to pick up some deworming meds for them. That could explain why he has been housebound. Normally they go out for a run, come in for breakfast and stay in. 

The had their meds Friday, and Saturday morning he bounded outdoors with his sister. Good news.

The silly cats love quilting. JB set this out, a lovely gift from Jean, via the kids' visit in New Zealand. 

I knew I best get my act in gear. Even indoors, with the air conditioner on, I have been somewhat lethargic. I finally got it together. Isn't it lovely?! She is so talented. I am so grateful to have met her online!

The kids have renovated and redecorated their home, and I was gifted their former living room curtains. I was so happy with them. Caitlin made them, and then hung across their large picture windows. You can see them at their house back behind their orchid. I just love them.

The other bonus is that they are very heavy and keep the light out. I am sleeping better, not being wakened by the moon or dawn. The second photo was from Caitlin's living room. She works from home some days, still.

Also, another project. Poor old Frosty, his hat had fallen apart. We commissioned Jiny's husband, Kim, to replace his hat. Jiny sells Korean food at the Saturday Market. I am pleased. This was my late mother's Frosty, and there is an emotional attachment. Frosty dates back to (at least) 2010. I shall get a ribbon, and some white chalk paint, to dress him up. This is Josephine with him in 2010.


I was out front working on the garden, are my glutes ever sore bending over. There are still flowers, thanks to the hibiscus. My roses are hanging in, as well. 

Looking down, I spotted a wee ribbon snake going after the crickets. Heaven knows we've millions of crickets. See it peeking out at me?!

I'd pulled a bunch of spent phlox to toss on our empty lot, and a 60 cm garter snake whipped by. They are so fast. It's getting cooler, and they will be coming closer to their hibernaculum for winter. Once I spotted it, it totally disappeared! I giggled.

I hope life is treating you well.


Anvilcloud said...

I guess your cats have a special diet? We order the canned food from Amazon. I keep an eye on it and re-order as necessary. I get the dry food from Pet Valu.

Barbara Rogers said...

So zooming snake now thinks people have giggles when he/she comes near them! Good interaction! Love the heavy curtains, and yet they are a very colorful addition to the room! Frosty does look ready for repainting...and I'm glad to know his history.

Tom said...

...that hibiscus is HUGE!

RedPat said...

Cats can be picky. Any cat I have had certainly let me know which food was acceptable.

Olga said...

Glad a real crisis was averted with the cat food situation. I know they can be quite wedded to their routines -- feeding time being a critical element of routine.

eileeninmd said...

Cute kitties, I love the flowers too!
Have a great day and a happy new week!

Nancy J said...

Monet's Hexagon, looking so good on the wall, but equally happy with a cat or two to sit on. Frosty, I have two very heavy concrete pots that were my Mum's, she died in 1981, and they have travelled with us since then. This year they have spring bulbs planted in them,When we, a long time ago, had 5 cats, one would always wait till the others were finished, and his food was always in the black bowl, He always knew which was his. 3 were strays that adopted us.

Elephant's Child said...

Out of wet food for the cats? That is a SERIOUS emergency. Your new curtains look great - as does your garden.

William Kendall said...

Those cats are a dear pair.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Those curtains are lush... as is the hibiscus. And Frosty is out and about early! YAM xx

Cloudia said...

It's exciting to read about the seasonal change, you certainly are good to your cats and nature in general. Thanks for sharing Jenn

Jeanie said...

I love life in your cat land! Oh, Nutmeg and Tiberius! That's darling. And the bowl experiment was fun. Try as I may, I can't get Lizzie to sleep on the opposite side of the bed from the one she chooses. I have no idea why!

Divers and Sundry said...

I enjoyed hearing about your kitties. We've had cats in the past but not lately, so I enjoy hearing about yours.

What a pretty snake! I've not seen a ribbon snake around here. And garter snakes are fun. I've managed to catch a few of those, but I'm not sure I could move fast enough now lol