Tuesday 12 September 2023

Busy days

 To reply to your comment, AC, the cats are on weight control vet food since Cinnamon is chubby, and they are both adult cats. At one point they stopped eating it. We tried a whole bunch of different ones, but couldn't find a brand they liked. This is working out well.  

With older cats, it's best to give them exercise. Sunday afternoon, I thought I'd take him 'walkies,' but he tried three times and couldn't find the courage. I promised I would protect him. Cinnamon and I often go walkies. Just in the past week (Sept.4th) he has been reluctant to go outdoors. We didn't know if he was sick, or had something else wrong. I think he had an encounter with a predator. We've a red fox, bears, coyotes, mink, fishers, skunks, and it could be anything. I tried coaxing him three times, and he ran down the hill, ready to go, and completely whipped around and ran to the house. The poor thing.

Cinnamon walkies from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I headed down to the trailcams to see what I'd find. The forest is peaceful, and so green. For now!

There are lots of rodent holes, as everything is preparing for winter.

We've one pumpkin seed that finally germinated and produced a flower. These are from the ones I had delivered from Millar's Bay Farm for the deer last year. It doesn't have time to set fruit. Oh well! There was another, but I bet something ate it!

 I found a senior out for exercise!


Grampa walkies from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Also, a doe. But that was all!

doe at The Point from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I was watching the skies, again. 

I was outside, cleaning the goldfish pond pump, refilling the water fountain, weeding, when a helicopter flew over. I'd hoped it wasn't a sad soul headed to hospital. They ended up at the Ottawa Airport, so no worries.

It looked quite pretty, bright red in the white clouds. Sept. 10th, 12:45, looking into the sun, I sneezed!

ornge helicopter from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Elephant's Child said...

Getting cats to eat weight control food is a problem isn't it? Batty needs to lose weight but we haven't yet found a calorie reduced food that either of them will eat.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Cats tend to eat just whatever they want to eat in my experience!

Anvilcloud said...

Our girl is not exactly svelte, and here she is by my chair waiting waiting waiting for breakfast.

Barbara Rogers said...

Nice collection - skittish kitty, walkies of gramps and deer, and a helicopter to add to the excitement.

RedPat said...

We get helicopters overhead quite often. I think they come from the Island airport.
Poor Cinnamon, I hope he gets his courage back.

Jeanie said...

That's sad about Cinnamon. Do you think you could try taking him out in one of those papoose things you see people carry babies in, so you could hold him close to your chest? Since you sew, you could probably make one easily enough (I couldn't!). It's sad, especially since Cinnamon liked going out before. I think you may be right about the encounter