Tuesday 5 September 2023

The chrysalis eclosed!

 I found a butterfly that hadn't eclosed properly, and was damaged somehow. It is a complex process.

This chrysalis fell off the bench swing canopy, and decided to keep it safe.  It takes a couple of weeks to hatch or eclose. 

I taped it to the inside of a vase. That proved to be a mistake!

I began by setting it on the arm of the chair. It was awkward to use the camera tripod. I moved it to the railing.

When it begins to go dark, you know it will eclose in 24 hours. Then, as I watched, you could see the three dots on the orange wing as the butterfly separates from the outer shell. 

After darkening the day before, in began getting lighter as the butterfly pulls away from the shell.

I was sitting watching, and taking photos and videotaping it. I totally missed the event. This is because it fell off of the chrysalis, into the bottom of the vase. I felt terrible. 

Eastern question mark from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Putting my hand in, it latched onto my fingers. It took an hour, but eventually it lifted off of the chrysalis. What a relief!

Eastern Question mark butterfly (Polygonia interrogationis) Caitlin took this photo for me.

They need to hang from the chrysalis, with wings hanging down to straighten them and dry off. 

You can see the question mark on its outer wing here. It successfully took off. WHEW!

There are more under the eaves. They are difficult to see with the bright sunshine.

Beginning to video it, which was tricky, as the sun was blocking my view finder and my arms were getting tired, it flew off just as I stopped filming.

Polygonia interrogationis from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

A few days later one visited and landed on the deck railing. I said hello.


DrumMajor said...

Some people rescue dogs and cats. You rescue butterflies! I was afraid he was going to cook inside the vase, but you must have cooler weather. Congrats on your baby butterflies. Linda in Kansas

Kathy G said...

Fascinating. Thanks for sharing.

RedPat said...

How wonderful is that.

Barbara Rogers said...

What a wonderful event to observe. The amazing change that butterflies go through! Glad you captured several versions of it.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
A very special sharing! YAM xx

Elephant's Child said...

Absolutely fascinating. Thank you.

Anvilcloud said...


Cloudia said...

This is marvelous! Thanks

Red said...

You keep your eyes open and see many visitors.

DeniseinVA said...

Thank you for sharing this Jenn, it is fascinating to see. You are an angel to take such good care of this little life.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

So interesting Jen. I honestly thought you had a typo in the title of your post, because I'd never heard the word "eclose" before. But now I know. Thank you for adding to my knowledge and my vocabulary. And thank you for helping Mother Nature with the butterfly