Monday 4 September 2023

Fantasy in the Forest Art Show – Sept. 2nd

  Jamie Brick is the artisan and landowner who created the show. The whole event was well-organized, with many volunteers. They have a Facebook page. Parking and admission is free. This article estimated that they get 5000 people per day. I'd believe it.

We had to leave Grampa at home, as there wasn't room in the car. You'll have to forgive all the photos, but Grampa wanted to know what we did and who we saw! I made most of them smaller, so you could just flip through, clicking on ones that interest you. 

He sent us on our way. I took the iPhone, and didn't realize his cell flip phone was in the car. Good thing he didn't have an emergency! 

You walk through the gate into the forest, where there is a lovely arch. 

Elf ears were everywhere!

The sculpture is by 
Wilma van Wyngaarden.

This man explained that he built this shelter, and as long as he returns he gets to use it for the show. About Face, Tony Deluca.

There were musicians in the group. This is the stage.

This is Jamie Brick, who created the whole event, sitting on his Elf King Throne!

Lots of costumes, lots of dogs!

This little kid was fun. On tippy toes. She was fascinated when Isabelle went into the stocks.

Grampa gave the girls $20 each. Josephine bought a beautiful necklace from Mariah Hounsell (Lady Lilith Creations), with a real spider web in it, to add to her jewelry collection. The webs are sourced in a park, sprayed to set them, then stuck onto the foundation with hairspray.

Isabelle bought a necklace, it was refitted for her, and Momma chipped in some cash. 

Now, I wanted a photo of the two men chatting, in costume. I snapped a photo of us in the mirror.

There were so many wonderful volunteers. We waited for our bus back to the main parking area. 

Notice the dark skies! It could have rained, it just sprinkled a bit, though. I drove us home, they had some lunch, and back to the city they went. They've a few more things to do before school begins on Tuesday.

I must say, I have social anxiety, and everyone made me feel welcomed, appreciated and loved. Everyone was so upbeat, and fully engaged. It was a blessing to visit.
1860 Draper Lake Road in South Frontenac township


Out To Pasture said...

What a fun event!! I absolutely love the photo in your masthead.

Tom said...

...what a fun party!

Barbara Rogers said...

What a wonderful faire. Love browsing in all those arts and crafts booths, and like you, I'd be taking lots of photos too. So glad your family was able to enjoy it too!

Olga said...

That looks like a grand fair and grand fun.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Thank you for taking us along virtually, Jenn! It looked to be a fab event and just so much FUN!!! YAM xx

RedPat said...

It sounds like everyone had fun.

Nancy J said...

The weird, the wonderful, the whacky, and all so talented. Love the outfits, the stage and the throne, and little girls in stunning fairy dresses.Even the weather played nicely for you all.

Elephant's Child said...

It looks amazing. I have social anxiety too and am glad that you were made to feel welcome and valued.

Jeanie said...

It's an art shoW! So not only do I love every single photo -- but I just want to be there myself!

Divers and Sundry said...

Thanks for showing all the photos! I'd have a lot of fun at that event, I know :)

Anvilcloud said...

It looks magical.

Far Side of Fifty said...

That looks like a very fun day!