Wednesday, 13 September 2023

On the ground and in the air!

I am feeling happier these days. Maybe it is the temperature change, or things slowing down in the garden. I accomplished a lot, despite waking up with a really bad bought of bursitis in my hip.  Dr. Ho helped, as did some stretches and some Advil. 

I've been working on old Frosty. He has standing issues! I'm not quite done, as he still needs several more coats of paint. 

I made an apple crisp. This is a treat. 

I split the front of two of Joe's sweatshirts and inserted a zipper, as requested. For some with a persistently sore arm, it makes a difference in dressing. The material was pretty stretchy, but this is a practical solution!

I wrote previously that Monday was garbage day. It was a foggy morning, and a bit creepy! The crows were ready. They like to eat the garbage, ripping it apart. This is why we use a metal can. Fooled you, crows!

Monday morning from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

There are spider webs everywhere. They look lovely and dewy. I always take a camera when I put out garbage. Out early, you never know who or what you will encounter.

The skies were busy in August. I thought things were slowing down.


airplanes Aug 20 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Another helicopter zoomed by. I wondered if it was related to the incident in nearby Smiths Falls, where there was an OPP request to shelter in place, but it didn't seem to be an OPP helicopter. "3 people in custody following police investigation in Smiths Falls area" It wasn't on the radar. It was pretty low. 


Olga said...

Does look like a misty morning but nice to hear that you are feeling sunnier.

RedPat said...

Fog always feels so magical when you don't have to drive in it.

Anvilcloud said...

There are even spiderwebs in suburbia these days.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Love a misty morning... and that zipper insert is a top idea! YAM xx

Barbara Rogers said...

Sorry about aches and the zipped sweatshirt idea. Why doesn't someone sell them that way? Oh maybe they do, I just haven't run into them. Most I see have a big pouch on the tummy for you to sit with your hands in...or maybe carry a Joey. Really! Hope the police work is over and you can have peace and quiet soon. We get fog here every morning as the dew evaporates. But the cooler days are sure welcome.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Old Frosty must be happy that he found a good foot surgeon. The crows may just be his best friends waiting for him wake up from the operation.

DrumMajor said...

I think your bout of bursitis is from Mr. Frosty, it seems. Hope you both keep feeling better. Linda in Kansas

Elephant's Child said...

Echoing YAM. I am glad you are feeling better too.

Patio Postcards said...

I like your zipper solution to the sweatshirts - practical & functional.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Despite your aches and pains you seem to be in a very happy mood and place. Hope Frosty gets a proper makeover. Loved seeing the aircraft overhead, too.

Red said...

Altering clothing is a smart idea to make things more comfortable.

Jeanie said...

Splitting the sweatshirt -- BRILLIANT idea! I wish I knew how to sew -- I'd do that with a few of mine!

Jeanie said...

I love your Frosty and nice job on the repairs. I have a Santa I either have to repair or part with. It was made by one of my late friends so I really want to revive him. I need a little of your skill!

Divers and Sundry said...

The apple crisp looks good. I've never made one. We live in sweat jackets when the weather gets colder. Transforming a sweatshirt sounds hard.

Your fog has a lot of atmosphere, especially with those crows