Thursday 24 August 2023

Fred, Cinnamon, & our anniversary

I started my day with a workout, then chopped down some hanging branches. The trees are growing over the driveway, and I thought some trimming was in order. Cinnamon you can see in the foreground of the first photo.

Next job is to cut up these branches.

I gave up at this point. The branches aren't going anywhere. I was going to finish up later, but I had an appointment for a haircut. After my haircut, I walked across the street and went to Fiddleheads and ordered us some anniversary dinner. Out back, good old Fred was watching Cinnamon mousing. It was funny, actually. I imagined Fred, a vegan, scolding Cinnamon for eating meat!

Fred & Cinnamon from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Fred is renovating. Groundhogs hibernate, I think they are getting ready for that.

Cinnamon was fascinated by Fred. He could hear activity!

Cinnamon watched Fred from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Haircut done! Ta da! I even put on lipstick. My knew one from Cheekbone Beauty. They are an amazing company, a First Nations woman, Jenn Harper, who uses ethically sourced shipping materials and products, also donates and gives back to her people. I am happy to support this business.

I waited for our dinner! 

😷We're hearing lots about COVID and the new variants. We were happier eating at home. This is our local health unit reporting. Last week we had one person in hospital and another in the ICU. 

Three more deaths between last week and August 22, 2023

 We had a great anniversary dinner! 


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Love the ussie... and I swear Fred knows they have become an internet star! YAM xx

Kathy G said...

Happy Anniversary!

Tom said...

...I'm glad that you had a happy day.

RedPat said...


Barbara Rogers said...

What haircut? Oh on the back and sides...but plenty of bangs left. I wonder if Cheekbone Beauty sells in the states...I could add her to our list of ethical companies. We're looking for those who don't use plastic in creating things or hopefully shipping. Happy anniversary you two! Love your final selfie together. Must say how amusing it was to watch the two grey critters being aware of each other!

eileeninmd said...

Great photos from your anniversary dinner, you two make a cute couple.
Take care, have a great day!

Anvilcloud said...

Well, Happy Anniversary!!

Jeanie said...

What a wonderful anniversary and photo! Your new haircut is wonderful and it sounds like a productive day. Big smiles!

Elephant's Child said...

Happy Anniversary. And hooray for being careful.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like your haircut.
Many Happy Anniversary Wishes (those flowers are lovely)

All the best Jan

Ontario Wanderer said...

Happy Anniversary!
Always good to celebrate another milestone in life.

Divers and Sundry said...

I know you're happy to be back to your workouts. Great haircut!

I had just begun sticking my toe in the water of eat-in restaurants when I started hearing the Covid warnings on the upticks in cases *sigh* I stay current on immunizations, mask, and eat at home.

Happy Anniversary!