Monday 14 August 2023

Caterpillars, deer and a wild turkey

 The goldfish pond is over flowing, for now. Lots of rain.

Aug. 10 storm from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Out back, Fred has dug another tunnel exit. It's really not a good place in spring, as the meltwater pools under here. 

The caterpiglies are growing still! They are either polygonia comma, or polygonia interrogationis

And a different species:

I pulled out my chair to have a sit on the deck, and froggie hopped down from under the chair.  It ended up on the railing, again!

This is funny. There are all sorts of tricks to capturing critters on trailcams. If you tilt it low you capture critters like skunks, but the deer!

buck from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I was awake around 4 a.m., hearing coyotes yipping away. I got up and came back to the bedroom, outside I could see our skunk. It's a busy spot.

 I hope our young wild turkey survives!


Anvilcloud said...

I saw a marvellous two-year video complication from Minnesota. It was fine camera and captured all sorts of critters and was well spliced. I was on my tablet and fumbled getting the link to post to you.

Barbara Rogers said...

Cool quickie of the deer. That sure was a gully washer of a rain! I can't tell that its a Tom turkey...but do hope he jumps into trees whenever the coyotes come around. Don't they spend the night in trees?

RedPat said...

There is always so much going on at your place.

Divers and Sundry said...

We've had record-breaking rains here. I trust your pond survives the influx and overflow.

You're a have for all kinds of animals! I'm trusting the turkey thrives :)

Karen said...

I'm getting pretty sick of rain!
My froggie hangs out in the folded outdoor chairs too.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely to see the deer and the turkey in the videos! Hope the young turkeys all thrive

Elephant's Child said...

Yet another delightful collection. Thank you.

Cloudia said...

Thanks for sharing all of this. Wonder with us dear Aloha

William Kendall said...

The rain has been plentiful in the last few weeks.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Jeanie said...

Those Asiatic lilies are unbelievable. Just gorgeous! We got dumped with rain -- big, relentless rain today. Your little frog is a cutie!