Monday 10 July 2023

Grandies near and far!

 A year ago,  the two grandies from Vancouver visited us! They've a cottage in B.C., and are happily playing there on weekends. There is a shared pool, but the beach is close by for a change of scenery. They are having much fun! 

Here are Jesse and Cluny in the water!

This is my July calendar! I celebrated their visit.

We said goodbye to the Ottawa grandkids, who went home Friday. I still have a couple of things to share about their visit. Isabelle did a picture.

I left the playing cards here on the coffee table. Isabelle and I had some rousing games. I left the cards there for a couple of days just so I would smile when I saw them. We laughed so hard! She ended up winning 8 games to 6 on Friday. The other day it was 10 games to 2, so I did better!

The very last thing we did was an experiment we saw on TV.

science experiment from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I was very glad of the distraction of teenagers last week. My floaters are really uncomfortable. There is a spider web of them in my left eye, still. The fact that they float into place as I move my eye to refocus on something is really nauseating. I had several tests at the opthamologist, and I am confident I'll get over this. They should just dissipate, but in the meantime... 

The robins and phoebes are still feeding their nestlings. There are lots of birds about, especially in the serviceberry bushes. Cedar waxwings are frequent visitors, as well as the robins.


I spotted a pair of goldfinches eating the seeds off of the Goat's beard! It was delightful. (This is an old photo.) 

Garbage is out for the week. Only 3 bug bites. It is time for coffee! 


Tom said...'s hard to have them so far apart.

DrumMajor said...

Sorry your floaters are being pesty. My "bug" one I can ignore, but if I'm tired when going to bed, I can move my eyes up and down and see it swimming around. Easier than counting sheep. Linda in Kansas

Jeanie said...

I like Isabelle's picture and it's fun when they like playing board and card games.

I hope your floaters get resolved soon. That has to be terribly frustrating.

Barbara Rogers said...

Pretty M&M experiment yielding a rainbow. Did you hear there's an "Alpha Male" M&M coming out (says FB) "all white, extra bitter, and will meltdown when mixed with multicolored M&Ms." Oh wait, was that your experiment?

RedPat said...

I haven't seen a Goldfinch in a while. They are such happy birds.

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful to have your grandkids visit. Hard to say goodbye at the end of a visit.

Cloudia said...

What fun! Thanks so much for having us in. This is my summer vacation

eileeninmd said...

Nice photos of your grandkids and the lake.
Pretty captures of your yardbirds.
Take care, have a wonderful week!

Elephant's Child said...

Never having known any of my relatives other than immediate family I envy your relationship with yours - and their relationship with you.
I hope the floaties dissipate quickly. After I tore a retina I had bright sparks in my vision for a very long time. Most disconcerting.

Red said...

I had colored floaters one time. the Micro Manager informed me that it could indicate a stroke so off to emergency at 2 AM. Turned out to be harmless.

Patio Postcards said...

Interesting Smartie experiment ... Smarties are gobbled up so quickly so I must get a box & hide to do this myself. Cedar Waxwinged are such a gorgeous bird. Camp Grandma brings us all such delight - Isabelle's painting is quite interesting ... a cat, a woman ... a cat woman ??

NatureFootstep said...

nice to have family around! :) And good to see goldfinches. Where I live they are winterbirds and they move around a lot. Some winters you see them, others you don´t!

William Kendall said...

Never had that going on in my eyes.