Tuesday 6 June 2023

Momma Bear and Two Cubs

As promised, our bears. I'd just visited the wood duck nest box in the back 40 the other day. There were still 9 eggs. This was my first nest box, taken off the old, dead tree, and replaced back here. 

Down I went to the back on Sunday, June 4th, and a piece had been ripped out off of the box face. I knew there was trouble. The barn board box had cracked, what with old age, but this was bad. I piece was ripped right off the facade, the side pulled away. I'd taped a large bear walking by📹 a few days ago. The raccoon tried📹 , as well. 

This was the 'BEFORE!' then the AFTER, I opened it up, and checked carefully. Peeking in, there were no eggs in there. 

My hope is that the family of birds took off. That's what I am going with. There were 9 eggs, and no debris on the ground. When they hatch, Momma removes most of the egg shells. They are only in there for 24 hours, and the chicks jump out of the box onto the ground, with Momma yelling at them to follow. They usually jump in the afternoon, I've read.

I tootled back on up to the house, having dropped an SD Card somewhere (?) and processed the video. What bugs me is that the camera took a 30 second video, then stopped, and didn't start back for 6 minutes. It could be the battery was low. I shall have to replace the batteries and reset it. 😡 

There were twins, climbing the tree, Momma was determined but the eggs were gone, thankfully. They have a great sense of smell. 


Elephant's Child said...


Tom said...

...perhaps they flew off in the nick of time.

RedPat said...

Hopefully the duck family got safely away.

Anvilcloud said...

I hope the birds made it.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh look at those cubs... That put a grin on my phizzog! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

Love the bears! Take care, enjoy your day!

Karen said...

My camera did that a couple of weeks ago. The batteries "seemed" okay, but fresh batteries set it working again.

Gaelyn said...

Wow! I'm going with already hatched.

William Kendall said...

Hopefully for the birds.

Nancy J said...

Life is fragile and fraught with danger, I wonder what the bear would actually do with the eggs ?? Guess you have some repair work to do now. You look so summery there, we had a frigid day yesterday, snow to the north, and a wind that went through even the toughest layers I had on.

Red said...

Bears can be a big nuisance. Good thing we rarely have bears as we are not prepared to deal with them.

Barbara Rogers said...

Hope all the ducklings escaped. Buggy out there, isn't it! Those bears are just doing bear things!

DrumMajor said...

Hope you have a protective anti-bear suit! Linda in Kansas