Friday 2 June 2023

Crumbly Acres has birds galore!

A new bird for me: a chestnut-sided warbler. 
I went out in the heat to fill the water fountain. This bird was up in the birch tree, singing. It landed in the lilac, and moved to the electrical cord. Sitting right near me, I was quite excited.

chestnut-sided warbler from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Fred is providing much fodder for my blog.  Fred bopped off to the shed, where he has another burrow.

You'll recall we were worried about bumble bees moving into his burrow. I hadn't seen him for days, and got up at 5 a.m. in the dawn to throw dirt on the opening. I was sitting on the back deck, and spotted him coming up from the meadow. First, he went to the shed, then I found he'd been digging. 

Sadly, the overnight clouds did not amount to rain. They were moving south east, but nada. We are quite dry. 

Watering is tricky, as you should not over water, but I do check daily.!

I've planted two basil plants in the planter. They are coming along.

The horse chestnut tree is in bloom.

The hops vine is up above the deck!

 JB found two near our house, on the highway. Victims. One was alive, and he took it to our vet, who accepts them. There was paperwork, and he had to phone it in. Turtles Kingston wants to know if you find a turtle. He did so, and they asked him to take the dead one in, as well, as they might be able to harvest eggs. "Please report any and all sightings, dead or alive to our website." 

Our turtle populations are at risk. A Midland Painted turtle. RIP.

The pansies have come back after Fred ate the flowers!

We have a cardinal nest in the lilac tree. I knew something was up! I had to look the eggs up. No wonder the dang tree was so busy, and the female cardinal chased the robin just trying to feed her family.

This is the last video of the robins. They have fledged! May 31st

Baby robins from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

We made it to Friday. Happy weekend!!!


Tom said...

...I can never see too many turtles!

eileeninmd said...

Congrats on the warbler sighting, they are beautiful.
Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

Anvilcloud said...

Year ago, I drove home from Tamworth at night. I don't know how many turtles I squished on the drove back up to #7. It was rather gruesome.

William Kendall said...

Fred must be Fred.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
OOOH, the warbler sighting was extra special! YAM xx

Barbara Rogers said...

How great that video of the warbler. And of course Fred's fun too. Glad the pansies are safe from him. Glad you mentioned the basil, I've got one ready to pot too. Perhaps I'll add it to another plant's pot, rather than with the basil already started. You've inspired me to have variety!

Cloudia said...

It is so delightful to visit you Pat! I'm going to say prayer for the turtles

RedPat said...

I'm always thrilled to spot a turtle. I hope the one survives.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Those migrants seem to have skipped our yard. I had hoped to see warblers dripping off the trees but it has been very quiet. On favorable days we walk along the lake and have heard some, but have drawn a blank except for 1 Black-and-White and one Yellow-rump. Maybe it is our high elevation and constant wind, but so disappointing. Our woodchuck is "Fat Boy" and "he" is very shy. My daughter is not happy to see him in the flower garden.

Red said...

Nice to see a new bird. You don't know if the population is increasing or if the bird is out of his/her territory.

Lorrie said...

The warbler is a very pretty bird. Here I see mostly white-crowned sparrows and robins. We don't fill our feeders in the summer so we don't get as many birds as in the winter. It's always fun seeing the turtles. said...

The warbler is very pretty. A shame one of the turtles was dead. They look very colourful with the red markings.

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful and nature at its best, though sad about the dead turtle and I never would have thought about them still have viable eggs. Thanks for that information Jenn.