Wednesday 28 June 2023

Beasts on Crumbly Acres

I cannot do another post without acknowledging Olivia Chow as the mayor-elect of my hometown Toronto. She was polling in first place. There were 102 running for this position. The election was a result of the previous mayor being reelected since 2014, and then admitting to fooling around with a young staffer in an extra-marital affair, meant Toronto had an by-election. It's been quiet with John Tory until now. The mayor prior to that was Rob Ford. 😖

She is an amazing woman. A Toronto City Councillor for 13 years, an MP for 8 years. Also, a community activist for ever. Spouse to the late Jack Layton. They were a power couple, but she is amazing in her own right. 

OK, back to Crumbly Acres. JB's feeling a bit better after his fall. His one knee is bruised, and the other swollen. He is taking it easy.

The was a heckuva storm. Two men were struck by lightning, and are still in hospital. The general manager of the gold club performed CPR on and the two men, and she is in shock, I am sure.

I tracked the lightning strikes, as it gives me good information on what is on its way. 


storm June 26 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

 Sitting on the back deck, Blonde Butch came by. This is taken with the iPhone, all I had on hand!

Flipping the phone to horizontal, I processed it in iMovie. I was filming between and through the plexiglass, but it wasn't a bad job!

Normally you cannot tell the raccoons apart, aside from the number of kits they have. This Butch raccoon is distinct, with her lighter, blonder coat. At the very end, a bat or a moth flew into frame.

lactating butch from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

It is the season of the deerfly patch. They are amazing. Deerflies land on the back of one's head, and get stuck! Problem is, I tend to get it caught on the tree leaves!

Of course, I know you want to know how Fred is doing. Fred is out back, looking more like a drowned rat, or a muskrat, in the drenched grass. It must be hot under the deck, but they are happy munching. I walked by and caught myself on the video.

Fred & Jenn from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Today is supposed to be another smokey day. Indoor play is a must. Another storm moved through this morning. I was rudely awakened at 2 a.m. with what sounded like a cat fight. If it was Pepper, our 'visiting' cat, he jumped off the end of the Muskoka Room onto the ground. I stood on the back deck in the rain and he didn't come my way.

We had a turkey through, with poults. More on that later! 


Tom said...

...I HATE Deer Flies!!!

Barbara Rogers said...

Blond raccoon is a fun i.d. And poor old Fred. Very smart deer fly capture there...maybe saved yourself a few bites. Keep safe with the smoke, it's due to dip down our way again today and tomorrow. I'm trying to get out before it's bad.

Anvilcloud said...

The iPhone vid was pretty darn good.

Jeanie said...

So glad JB is improving. Love seeing your wildlife, all of it. Our AQI is 292 today. Yesterday was grim -- I could hardly see more than 100 yards in front of me when driving. It looked like fog without the moisture. How long can this go on?

RedPat said...

The smell of smoke is strong in the air here.

Elephant's Child said...

The deer fly patch looks like a wonderful invention.
Love your wildlife and am glad that JB is improving.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Our Canada smoke has returned, though not as bad as a couple of weeks ago. Waiting for the turkey flocks to start wandering into our yard. They seem to include two or three or more families of various ages. Those deer flies are the worst. The sticky tape is a great idea.

Red said...

Great new header.

Ontario Wanderer said...

Even though I do not comment too often, I try to read your blog everyday and am always amazed at how much information you can get into it. Always interesting and informative . . .

William Kendall said...

Fred is a welcome sight.