Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Clean up in the forest

🔥Thank you, Australia and New Zealand. Sadly, we haven't heard too much about this. The Alberta premier deals in anger and denials. She loathes the feds, and didn't want Canadian soldiers to go help. She changed her mind, and that must have hurt!
     "I don't believe the UCP are conservative anymore," said one pundit. "They are conspiratorial, feeding anger. They are anti-science, anti-truth, anti-fact." Others are “echoing conspiracies that the federal government and a nebulous group of "elites" started the blazes to "destroy" Alberta.”

They did get some rain on the prairies. It is a terrible tragedy, however. There are still 10,000 people waiting to go home, evacuated due to the fires. Saskatchewan is facing similar issues with fires, and they hope for rain.
Thank you, Australia and New Zealand

 ðŸ˜¼PEPPER cat: Monday night he visited at bedtime last night, howling through the Muskoka Room at Cinnamon. It wasn't exactly good sleep hygiene! I still don't know where he comes from. Cinnamon isn't a fighter, and he was petrified.

I'm still catching up on photos. They had a picnic in Vancouver on the weekend! 

🌲 I did some yard work in the meadow. The trees came down in April, and I kept forgetting about these two branches. Usually taking a photo reminds me. I neglected to take one. Out of sight out of mind.

📱JB was out walking at the arena. There was work to do. I texted Caitlin (home Monday from Vancouver), and trying to get back into work mode. She agreed to be my 'spotter' as I used the ladder. I fell off a ladder in 2005, it slid out from under me on the deck. Had a huge bruise, and JB didn't hear me, working indoors. I promised I wouldn't go up the ladder unless I told someone! I texted her when I was done! 

My issue was these two branches. I tried using the aerial saw last week, but it became lodged in the cut. The branches were covering a week evergreen, and I tried to work on it. The bugs are horrid this year, and I had to psyche myself up for it.

 This was not good. I worked at the upper branch, and gave up to work on the lower one. I didn't quite get the upper one down, but moved them off the path.

At least the wee evergreen can now get some sunshine. I threw all these branches off the meadow, in the trees, cutting a couple of dead elm branches that were trying to behead me when I used the tractor to cut grass in the meadow. 

Note To Self: You ought to put your equipment upwind of where you are using the reciprocal saw! My little box of goodies (iPhone, videocam, extra batteries for the saw, jacket, water bottle, extra hat, bug spray), was covered in sawdust. I used JB's cap I made for him in the woods. Two hankies are sewn to the brim. I sprayed bug spray all over the back, sides and top of the hat. It kept the bugs at bay. Sort of! I had to take off my sweater, scraped my arm, and got two bug bites. It was too hot, by this time.

🥀 My work done, I gathered up the trailcam cards (nada!) and decided to check out the pink lady slippers. We have 6 of them.

Done, I went indoors, put on my foot brace, and put my foot up with ice hubby happily fetched for me!

That was a good day. My shower was amazing afterwards.


RedPat said...

You are amazing.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Satisfying work, for sure! YAM xx

Jeanie said...

Rick says they are clearcutting so much area up north I don't know if there even ARE forests anymore. I'm almost afraid to go up. The little cabin in the woods is rapidly becoming a book title only.

Cloudia said...

We must remain calm and kind and not be infected by this horrible politics that is dehumanizing so many people. I'm sending you prayers for healing and also our public marketplace of ideas. May kindness, and logic prevail

Cloudia said...

Hope your foot feels wonderful very soon

William Kendall said...

A lit of work done.

Barbara Rogers said...

Oh there's nothing better than warm/hot showers to clean off all the sweat and grime...and from working hard too. Muscles to relax now. Foot to heal! Or heel to heal maybe!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I don't do ladders any longer. Never fell off of one or had an accident but gravity is really not my friend as I get older. My wife found a good, efficient, cost effective tree guy and he and his son do all the tree stuff now.

My volunteer work in the woods is taking a break over the summer. Too many bugs. I hate the ticks and chiggers. For some reason I agreed to help a professor at the U of Oklahoma do a pollinator survey every two weeks. I haven 't told the wife that the bugs need to go into the freezer until they come pick them up.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Me again, the person over Alberta sounds like a trumper. That's not a good thing. Has she tried raking the forest as the original trumper suggested to California?

Elephant's Child said...

Here in Australia we are all too familiar with fire disasters. We have needed and welcomed help and of course we reciprocate.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Danielle Smith is Alberta's answer to Ron DeSantis, and both are despicable.

Red said...

there's always lots to do when you live in the country.

eileeninmd said...

Well done! Sorry about your foot, I hope it heals quickly.
Take care, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

So glad Alberta was able to get help with their fire disaster. I had NO idea politics were involved with my inability to breathe.

Your foot looks scary, Jenn!