Thursday 2 March 2023

Cinnamon, deer friends, precipitation

My amaryllis (bulb #2) is still blooming. Cinnamon was looking out for it. OK, maybe he got bored watching squirrel TV.

This is from a few days ago. We had snow, and it accumulated on the deer's faces and backs. There were 20, in total. They all get a mouthful of deer feed, not much more. It keeps us all happy.

deer from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I love the way they sleep under the white pine trees.
Mamma and fawn were sitting side by each. She was vigilant. 

Eventually Momma went to sleep! The fawn kept watch. The coyote don't venture into our backyard, except in the dark. 

Clover still has a wound on her back. Perhaps a wire fence or something. It's not infected, as far as I can tell.
Can you see them way at the back?
I still have trees to work on.
The difference between February and March is that the driveway melts in the 2 C. days!
I saw something interesting on my morning show. Kelsey McEwen, the weather woman, was explaining why and how the snow melts out to different amounts of water. The temperature affects how much water ends up with wetter or dryer snow. She shows that 25 mm water ends up being 12, 25 or 50 cm snow, depending upon the air temperature. 
This is my most recent data. The second last column is the snow fall, the last show how much that snow melted down to inside the warm house.

We'll see what March brings! It was 2016 that had so much rain. Last year there was a fair bit of rain. 
Today we have freezing rain. The critters take shelter on these days.  


Tom said...

...the snow seems to fall all around us, but not here.

Jeanie said...

Oh Jenn -- OH! How I love that video of Cinnamon. She comes so close. Does it take your breath away as much as it does mine, or are you used to it by now. She feels so safe with you.

Barbara Rogers said...

What fun to see you walking among the deer...a great video. They sure know where their food comes from these days! I imaging all year they nestle in hidden places, but with foliage everywhere we can't see them.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I love how JB mutters to the deer and soothes them with the love in his voice... they are lucky to have you - but I think that you too are lucky to have them! YAM xx

Cloudia said...

Gosh it's amazing visiting you!

RedPat said...

I love seeing the deer having a bit of a nap in your yard. They know they are safe there.

DrumMajor said...

You are the snow angels for those beautiful critters! Love the science lesson. I never realized how different moistures of snow melted into different amounts of water. Stay safe walking around your winter wonderland. Linda in Kansas

William Kendall said...

The deer seem quite at ease as their people pass by. Benefits of feeding them.

Red said...

Your deer populations just gets larger and larger.

DeniseinVA said...

I always love your deer photos and videos. This was special seeing you with your deer feed bucket. I feel like I am watching a nature TV show. This keeps us happy too. Interesting about the snow melts. Thanks for sharing all this. Happy March!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I can't believe how close you get to the deer. Poor Clover. Glad you keep them fed, at least a bit.

Patio Postcards said...

SOOOO envious that you & the deer get so close together. Such a beautiful creature. I like that explanation from your weather lady. Our weather radio guy just tells people to drive carefully & bundle up ... maybe I should watch TV weather. (col)

Divers and Sundry said...

Such sweet deer photos.

We've been having wind and rain, lots and lots of rain.