Monday, 9 January 2023

Routines help!

My days have been a set routine. Blogging, my morning online games (Wordle, Canuckle, the daily jigsaw puzzle, Scrabble with Caitlin, and Angry Birds). Finally, to end the morning, a basement workout. You may wonder how I fit all that into the morning, but I was awake at 5 a.m. for no good reason Thursday! I know many of you can empathise. This morning I must go put out the garbage. 

Next, I don my outdoor gear to resume work on the tree limbs. I originally decided to clear out under that pine tree with the most damage first, but it has been defeating me. I was worried they'd get buried under new snow, but that hasn't happened! Normally, I'd work at a task and finish it. These days, I flit from tree to tree until my energy and power runs out. (Both me and my saw!)

When I'm done, I do a walkabout and fetch memory cards from the trailcams.

The meadow is a frozen puddle:

On the way back up to the house I took a photo to remind me that this limb↓ needs removal. This requires me to remember the saw prior to leaving the house. So far that hasn't happened! 

Deer friends out back, quietly chewing their cud. There were two sitting under the pine tree. This photo I took from the back deck.

Frog pond over the years

People are talking about keeping data on the ice coverage on the nearby lake. They often track 'ice out,' but not so much 'ice formed!' People have been skating on the lake at this time of year. It has been unusual.

Frog pond Jan. 2021:

Frog pond Jan. 6th, 2023:

Jan. 7th – it was quite frozen, but you can see how some of the vegetation is green.

My plants are doing well indoors, although I think the amaryllis flowers are fading. There are two more stems in the one blooming, and the other bulb is growing, with roots, properly! I have hopes. 
I stripped off the dead blossoms, scraped off the bottom of the bulb, and still no roots. There are more blooms, but the bulb looks pretty drained. The other one is now taller and getting ready to bloom.



Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
A nice insight into daily life on Crumbly Acres! Routine is certainly an anchor, a stabiliser. YAM xx

Tom said...

...having a routine is a good thing, my is a bit off these days.

Olga said...

Routines do help. My weeks have a certain routine, but day to day, not as much.

eileeninmd said...

We have our routines, time on the computer, working on a puzzle, reading my books and weather permitting a walk outdoors. The amaryllis has pretty blooms.
Cute photos of the deer resting. Take care, enjoy your day and new week!

Elephant's Child said...

I also like a routine and am an early riser (it isn't yet 4am) here. Love these photos - which are almost totally alien to me. Our winters are much warmer.

Nancy J said...

Wordle, I also do a daily quiz from Lovatts, with 6 categories. Canuckle, is that better to solve if you live in Canada? We would need a NZuckle !! Still some snow for you, down here, massive rain in other places , Hugh's birthday today.Off to do some serious shopping for him.

RedPat said...

The deer must feel very safe at your place. And well fed.

William Kendall said...

The deer must be quite used to you.

Sharon Wagner said...

I hope you break your routine streak. I love routine only if it involves daily beach walks!

Barbara Rogers said...

A rootless bulb is a conundrum for sure. Perhaps submerging it in warm water about 1/3 of the way up might encourage it. I worry about these things... Loved the deer chewing their cuds, which I just realized about them recently, that they do that. Never having lived around them. Sounds like your mornings are similar to mine, but somehow today I got off track and am just now reading my blog friends postings...3 pm!

Gill - That British Woman said...

It's odd to see open water not frozen completely this time of year.

Lorrie said...

Routines are good for productivity, I find.
My amaryllis is finally opening - one flower is in full bloom, with two or three others in the works.

Red said...

It's a very different winter.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You do more in your morning than I did all day today. I have NO energy, still can't get warm, even though most of the house is at least 50 F (10 C) now.

Loved seeing the deer. You and nature coexist so well together.

Jeanie said...

You are far too amazing. I don't know how you do it. Maintaining property is hard work and well done. (And not as fun in the winter!) I'm a wordle and morning game fan, too! I guess we all have our routines! (Love the deer!)

Anvilcloud said...

Arriving here in 2005, I heave never seen it looking like this in January and certainly not for so long.

Divers and Sundry said...

Keeping track of events like these looks like it'd make a fascinating picture over time. You could track trends better that way...

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It is beautiful but so cold looking (I am a weather wimp).... I can relate to getting up at 5. I'm a lark person married to a night owl. Some days I feel like I've put in a full day before breakfast. But mostly it's just enough time to do Wordle, WWF, the NYTimes Crossword and Spelling Bee. If you solve most of the words on the latter you get an icon saying you're a genius~ My goal is to be a genius before breakfast -- that's always a good way to start the day!!!

Kay said...

Wow! I'm impressed! I could never get orchids to bloom when we lived in Chicago. Here in Hawaii, it's not all that hard.