Wednesday 21 December 2022

Snow Day at Crumbly Acres – Part 4

But first, we've a fawn with a broken front right leg. Crumbly Acres, indeed. With 28 cm of snow falling, over two days – Dec. 16/17, it is difficult walking. I think this is Clover's fawn. 


Out in Vancouver, the kids took Cluny to a cross country ski race! They are in great shape there. They are a busy bunch and keen skiers. It was -12 C., and B.C. has had a ton of snow. Cluny texted me on Kids Messenger, to let me know where they were: "I'm at the sandman hotel in Squamish, and its been snowing here! 🌨They have great skiing near them, of course. They belong to a club, with great opportunities for families. 

Indoors, Cinnamon is still afraid of the train when it is running, and just approached carefully. 

cinnamon's train from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

The snow storm has really taken out our great white pine trees. Here they were, February, 2016, for example. We lost a lot of branches that year.

They took the brunt of the heavy burden of snow. The ends of the branches are frozen into the snow, and I have to cut them up before I can move them.

The poor tree. That hanging branch is the one that fell on me! JB watched from the house. 

These two are still snow covered, despite some warm windy days. Some of it will evaporate, thankfully. 

I'm watching myself underneath the branches. That is a heavy burden of snow.

The second hornet's nest is still up there, under the canopy↓! 

You can see little balls of snow still stuck to the trees. It is pretty in a weird sort of way.

This is what the bucks did in the snow, ate pumpkins!

Buck in snow from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

We've a new storm on the way Thursday. We'll see what happens. 


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Brrrrrrrrrrrr... but yes, weirdly pretty! YAM xx

Tom said... can be difficult for wildlife.

Barbara Rogers said...

What fun a family of skiers! Sorrry to see the fawn with broken leg. Cinnamon and the train remind me of my tortie who loved to see it go by. Keep warm. Happy Solstice too!

Olga said...

That heavy snow can be damaging and things don't look good for that poor young deer. I hope Cinnamon is counting blessings of safety and warmth along with those train cars.

Divers and Sundry said...

Poor little fawn :(

Some kinds of trees do suffer more under winter snow :(

Happy Winter Solstice!

Nancy J said...

The forecast looks dire, best to be prepared and stay indoors. Pity about the broken leg, maybe hit by a car? And eating in the snow, they are so hardy animals.

Elephant's Child said...

I am sorry to read about the fawn. Very sorry.

eileeninmd said...

No snow here yet! We are expecting a very bitter cold Christmas weekend.
Love the deer! The little skier is cute. Have a wonderful holiday week, Merry Christmas!

Anvilcloud said...

On a snow day, one can write many blogs. 😎

Red said...

Heavy wet snow can really do a number on trees. We don't get those conditions very often but they do happen.

Yvonne said...

This reminds me of when I lived in Colorado. Snow is so beautiful, but really difficult to work in. Here in Tennessee it is so funny how two or more inches of snow brings everything to a standstill. Love the video of Cinnamon getting used to the train set. The video in a previous post where you are checking out the snow damage gave me the shivers. I see you have another snow storm coming in, I think, tonight. I suppose you are used to that kind of weather, but I wish you all the best in getting through it okay. Wishing you a Merry, Merry Christmas and a New Year full of all that makes you happy.

William Kendall said...

Cinnamon can't quite figure out yet why an object he knows to be inanimate can move on its own.