Tuesday 22 November 2022

Monday was a busy day!

The cats aren't thrilled with the change in weather. Their toy, 'Clown Pants,' was sitting on the floor. We've had Clown Pants since 2012. Cinnamon likes to sit in them, with his behind hanging out.

 Nutmeg has been sitting on top of it. Last night, Cinnamon, ever the gentle boy, went over and sat beside her. She is bossy. She'll nudge him away from the food bowl. He wanted her off his Clown Pants. We fed her a treat and she moved off! 

 Monday morning began bright and early. First job, putting out garbage. I like the new camera. 


 Fetched the trailcam memory card. Cinnamon went out for about 10 minutes. 


Just when I thought it would be a quiet day... I did an online grocery order Sunday. Tootling into town Monday, I picked up our groceries, got 4 bags of kitty litter, and got chores done. 

We are protesting a gun range

I checked out the signage the group put out. These are from the dashcam.

Having made a crock pot of chili, we hunkered down, smells wafting about the house. Just as I thought things were calm, an email went out. There was a sighting of someone removing the signs, the perp was in a recognizable truck, logo on the side. They went out and determined that 8 signs were gone, 2 were damaged. So much for peaceful protest! 

It has been reported, and people are not amused. 


eileeninmd said...

Cute kitties! Nice photos from your new camera. A pot of chili sounds nice, yum. Take care, have a wonderful day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Maybe we all should have some clown pants to bury ourselves in during winter... YAM xx

Patio Postcards said...

Those clown pants gave me quite the chuckle. Both your kitties are so beautiful. My girls take turns being the bossy one. And now I want to search for clown pants for them (col).

Tom said...

...yep, this is chili time.

Christine said...

Chili sounds good after a busy day

Olga said...

THe clown pants are something else! Cats certainly have their own personalities and opinions, don't they?

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Beautiful kitties.
I could use a pair of clown pants. :)
Enjoy your new camera.

Mae Travels said...

The wording on the signs isn’t readable in your photos, so I’m a little lost about what cause is being supported and who is attacking. I agree that clown pants would be a good hiding place for a lot of us.

best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

William Kendall said...

I can see the cats liking that thing.

Karen said...

Ive been glued to news of your situation. It could happen to any of us in rural E.Ontario so it's an important situation. The gall of that person pulling the signs!

Barbara Rogers said...

Gotta wonder if those who want the gun club think it will matter if they take down the signs against it. I do hope it goes someplace else...a loooong way away. Love your kitties and their clown pants...never seen anything like them!

ashok said...

Lovely blog !

Elephant's Child said...

All your days sound busy to me. I am not going to show the cats this post. They would want clown pants of their own.

RedPat said...

Love the clown pants. And the bossy Nutmeg who can be bribed.
That is disgusting about your signs. Some people are beyond belief.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh dear on the removal of the signs. A dreadful state of affairs when people try to prevent alternative opinions being recognized by removing signs. There was a certain large well-known company who was going to build a colonial theme park in the countryside just outside a town full of people who protested. They made such a noise that this well-known company decided to disband their idea entirely. We were all very happy as it would have changed the entire area and brought a complete mess of traffic on our doorstep. That traffic is bad enough now. I wish you the best of luck. Love the kitty playing with the clown pants and your videos.

Red said...

It riles me to no end when signage is destroyed. But It seems like people can get away with it so why not?

Lorrie said...

The kitties certainly provide some fun entertainment.