There are folks who really get into this, young and old! I am always impressed with the efforts. We don't have any kids around us, besides, the rural kids tend to go into town to get more bang for the buck! In the past I've carved pumpkins, some years painted them. My energies are elsewhere.
We drove through Perth and found lots of participants!
We are still researching our options for this gun range. A new article has come out and finally the OPP are talking to the media, if not the township. It's an article about the gun range clean up. The condition of sale was that the OPP clean up the metals. This is a good thing. We are across the wetland from it and we were concerned.
Chipmunk has been busy. The 'bird bath' I could rename. We get a lot of birds drinking from it.
I crossed off another chore: cleaning the hops off the back deck. It created a habitat for so many critters over the spring and summer. The railings are washed and the deck furniture stacked under the overhang.
My mother's generation were crazy mad with cleanliness, warned about germs. Living in a forest and wetland, I'm not too worried about it! They were obsessed by bacteria.
Here is proof of my outdoor efforts, aside from the debris in my bra and on the bathroom floor just before my shower. (I find it difficult to keep that floor clean!) Atop the ladder I'd taken a couple of photos. I'm not sure what to do about this. We had the eavestrough installers in thrice, as I recall. Maybe flashing? What do you handy people think? The hole just invites bugs and woodpeckers!
eavestrough from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
"Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results." – Einstein.
Red squirrel went up the post and came down. I grabbed the videocamera, and caught it doing it again!
red squirrel from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
The birds have been wonderful to watch: a cardinal, 3 female evening grosbeaks, blue jays, chickadees, several goldfinches. I videotaped them on the feeder last year.
Sadly, a nuthatch flew into the window, and it has gone over the rainbow bridge. I decided to replace the now wilted hanging basket of flowers with my goldfish. The window, with these light levels are like mirrors.
We are making progress with 🍁Fall Chores!
...have a spooktacular day!
Happy Halloween, Jennifer! You certainly have done credit to your grounds. A lot of work but so lovely to gaze upon. I think the easiest way to remedy the small holes in the flashing would be to cover it with aluminum strips. The woodpeckers are chisceling my outdoor woodwork as well.
I didn’t take one single Halloween pic this year. ANd the kids aren’t little, so bah humbug. 🤓
It amazes me how much some people go for Halloween. I might put a pumpkin by the front door, but that's pretty much it. I went to the mall this past weekend and all the stores have Christmas decorations up. Really not ready for that! I wanted to ask why the Easter bunny wasn't in attendance. Geez.
From your comment on my blog about wet you compost yours? And how? For your question about the bare wood...I sure would close the hole with either wood fill, or put a piece of metal across that area...then definitely seal that wood. Lots of wetness will be hitting it. Slop wood sealant across it! Not that I worry about gutters any more, but I can still give advice. Real homeowners will probably have better ideas.
Hari OM
the work never ends... but your efforts look fab! YAM xx
Fall chores indeed, down here it is Spring Cleaning !!! Your wildlife animals provide huge entertainment.
I have been lazy and still have lots to do outside but it is supposed to be warm this week so maybe I will get at it. You are so diligent.
Every season comes with it's jobs. It's exhausting. We are blowing leaves and winterizing are sprinklers and gathering large branch and sticks that fall on windy days.
It is always sad when a bird cannons into glass.
I have bent glasses too. I sat on them. Sigh.
Good luck with your chores.
We were down to Eganville yesterday. Lots of very over the top Halloween decor there!
I was in to the hospital for something today. A lot of staff are in remarkable costumes.
I still have to rip down the hops and put the patio table away under the porch. Otherwise we are done and dusted. Mike is being asked about plowing snow this winter. He doesn't want to get into that business.
The squirrel will figure out a solution. They always do.
Happy Halloween. Some people go all out for this. Cheeky squirrel. Good luck with the zoning.
I do some decorating for Halloween but not much. I love the folks who do major yard decorations.
I hope you get the hole issue fixed. Here it's woodpeckers and squirrels, and they can cause major damage -especially if the squirrels find their way inside.
What a shame about the nuthatch, poor thing. You get a wider variety of birdlife than I do, but my little enclosed patio just isn't as attractive as more open spaces no matter what I do.
This reminds me so much of our lives when we lived in Illinois. Your orchid is very impressive. Our neighbors really didn't do much Halloween decorating at all, but then we were lazy too.
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