Sunday 13 March 2022

Cat walkies in the forest

 Cinnamon and I went walkies last Thursday, as is our way. He's a good companion. Meowing all the way, he followed the deer tracks. He led and I followed, until he made it to the wetland. The wetland was a little, erm, wet!

He stopped and went back to the tree. Raccoon poop!

There are lots of woodpecker holes.

Off he went...

The trees reflect the sunshine and embrace the warmer temperatures. The wetland melts from the shoreline in towards the middle, where the ice is thicker.

Can you see the Springtails (AKA snowfleas)! They cover the open water in the wetland. They are active at 5 C. and fill deep deer tracks. 

You can see them springing in this video. They are harmless, Springtails eat bacteria, fungi, lichens, algae and decaying vegetation, fertilizing the soil in the process.

Snow fleas from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Off he goes, off the point. I saw him sinking up to his armpits, and he decided to come back. I think he jumped over the water to come back, as I'd walked away at that point.

The deer paths go off into the wetland, through the meltwater. 

Fisher tracks on the snow...

Someone flung himself up the tree!

Here he comes!

He lagged behind, and I whistled for him. The chickadees answered me!

He looks left and right.

In the meadow, he pauses for washups! 

A good time had by both of us!


Anvilcloud said...

The somewhat dog-like cat.

Tom said...

...we have so many dead and dying ash tree and the woodpeckers are busy pounding away.

Barbara Rogers said...

What a lovely walk or two...I'd never heard of snow fleas. Glad they don't like people or cats!

DrumMajor said...

What an adventure! Strong kitty to jump up the tree. Interesting how your wetlands melt; I would've thought the reverse. I think he wore himself out a bit since he's moving slower on the return. Linda in Kansas

Nancy J said...

A walk with Cinnamon, and birds talking too, a delightful time in the wetland together.

Gypsisoul1111 said...

He’s like having a dog! Love his Wilkie’s.

Christine said...

A lovely time of year to get out!

RedPat said...

He reminds me of the cat that is in commercials for some pick-up truck. The cat is wonderful - goes through the snow to rescue someone buried in one of them. In another he dives into the water to fetch a stick. I hope you have seen them.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

great new profile shot. love it!! u look so great!! hope u r well. we had ice and snow yesterday but no sticky. just here and gone the next minute. lol!! we got out for groceries today. so that is always fun to see the real world. a bit busy for my liking but i think like all, we need some outside time. take care my bloggy friend. be well. ( ;

William Kendall said...

He's quite an explorer!

Rajani Rehana said...

Mind blowing pictures

Crafty Green Poet said...

Looks like a lovely walk, and Cinnamon seems like an ideal walking companion! Interesting to see the snow fleas.

Jeanie said...

Cinnamon looks so at home in the woods! I love that you walk together!

Lowcarb team member said...

"A good time had by both of us!"
... and I certainly enjoyed seeing your photographs.

All the best Jan