Friday, 31 December 2021

Bunnies, mice and deer

I've the attention span of a gnat, but I'm trying to do The Globe and Mail's 2021 giant holiday crossword puzzle. It's free online, you just have to print it all out, the cut it up and tape it together. It is 3 pages across x 2 pages down = 6 panels. I've only taped together the upper three. It's a start. 

 ðŸ˜’ My new trailcam still isn't working. Three sets of batteries. It's just a pain-in-the-arse I cannot manage well. I had to cancel a delightful haircut with a new stylist as I am coughing. Better keep my germs home safe and sorry.

The oldest trailcam hasn't had any critters. I should move it, as the tracks show me they are using the frozen wetland as a trail. The older trailcam, in the front yard, has been pretty good. It's not great, but we used to have replace our computers every three years. This one was from last year and I didn't spend enough money on it. 

Sorry to vent. Here I come to the fun part. I keep changing the batteries on this camera, since the bunnies spend hours here off and on. You'll notice the time stamp on the camera defaults to 2020, as the internal battery isn't working. I keep forgetting to reset it properly.

I've mentioned the mouse hole on the front deck. I finally captured them this year. If you look straight up above the cottontail, you can see its eye shining in the light. Isn't that fun? bunny & mouse from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


The cottontails are pretty hoppy. One of them nibbled on my rose bush during the video. (Bad bunny!) The one has three marks on its hindquarters. That's one way to tell them apart. Unless it is a grooming issue! 2 hoppy cottontails! from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo


It's peculiar that the deer think the cats bear watching, but they were non-plussed with the bunnies. I'd not seen this before. doe and cottontail from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


The bunnies were there a long time, off and on. It's been fun watching them. 


Tom said... wife does a couple crossword puzzles each day, I never try!

William Kendall said...

The wascally wabbits are cute!

I imagine the deer know the bunnies aren't prone to occasionally stalk them.

Anvilcloud said...

I tried crosswords, but I don't do them very well.

RedPat said...

I'm amazed to see the bunnies out and about!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Fun indeed - one need not blink, for it will be missed, that mischief mouse! Sending wishes for all that is best to you both for 2022! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

I love the bunnies and the deer!
I wish you and your family all the best in 2022, a very happy and healthy New Year!

Cloudia said...

I enjoy your nature show very much! Wishing you a beautiful year ahead ❤️

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I appreciate you keeping the cameras going. I love the bunnies playing. That doe is pretty jumpy. She should live a long time.

Happy New Year!!

Red said...

It's fun watching all your trail cam stuff. I look forward to next year's adventures. I wish you and your family a Happy New Year. I wish you good health for 2022.

Jeanie said...

I love crosswords but I'm not a rock star with them! That camera is fascinating!