Our Ottawa school boards are coming out with plans for September. The parents will have to decide what they will do for school. Our girls have done really well, we are fortunate.
We're hoping to go to the beach this week. We shall see. Perhaps some painting, as well. We've still a puzzle to finish. It's been waiting there for Josee. Also, Izzy's Dazzle Dotz.
We've had rain. This is a good thing. I am hopeful for August to be decent, although we've a heat warning for today and tomorrow. I'm so glad your A/C was replaced.
August rainfall over the years:
Hubby went down to Rideau Ferry Sunday. Old eagle eye, he turned around as he'd spotted a hawk on the wire. This bird is a frequent flyer!
The garden is growing with our August rains.
In the backyard, a monarch visits the bugloss weed.
Walking down to the back, I noticed an aspen leaf with a leaf miner of some sort. Then, I noticed the yellow flower.
Home sweet home!
The ferns are doing nicely. I watered them all July.
Maggie magnolia is growing through the chicken wire.
You know that song, " ♪♫♬ When you go down to the woods today?" When you walk under the evergreen do not look up! I spotted Dratted Red Squirrel (DRS) nipping off pine cones. They'd carry a bit of a bonk, as I heard it from the porch.
Froggie was snuggled in behind the thermometer, again! A perfect daytime perch for a nocturnal critter.

Then, somehow, he found a cicada.
Down in the forest, Porcupine came for a visit. They are such precious things, just waddling along, minding their own business.
Glad your eyes are healing well, Jennifer. I love the Red-tailed Hawk. They always seem to be aware of humans looking at them. This time of year my red squirrels start nipping off spruce cones -- which fall on the tin roof of my little storage shed and make quite a racket!
In my neck of the woods, things are not clear at all as for school opening in September. Kids from age 7 are also supposed to wear masks, and they seldom do.There's evidence that they infect the adults in the family. May God help us!
Your girls are fortunate to have all the opportunities for real life learning and grandma camp fun! And kitties have plenty of entertainment at well.
Hello Jenn,
So glad your eyes are healing. Love the Hawks and Osprey photos.
Take care and stay well! Have a happy day and a great week!
...I just got back from the Adirondacks where I enjoyed many similar scenes, Enjoy this wonderful summer day.
Have a good week with the kids.
Enjoy the week. I must say that I love your wee frog and wonder how he gets up into there!
Grandparents are the life-savers during this crisis. One of those cats is going to have a dip sooner or later,the fish all look very healthy.
Looks like some good fun coming up. You're in a much better humor since your surgery.
So pleased that your eyes are healing so well.
Enjoyed your video of Cinnamon and the fish.
Have a good week.
All the best Jan
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