Friday, Aug. 21 she was really close. So close, she flew across our view from the front window. We were watching
Raptors basketball.

Now, a bird flying doesn't always capture our attention, there are so many birds! Owls, however, with a wingspan of about a metre, are quite startling close up.
I ran up to the window. Nothing I could see. Curiousity led me outside.
I toddled out, looking all around, and totally missed her. The goldfish were doing fine, however. We've lot one...
I walked right by her. How do I know this? I came indoors, and saw her fly right by again in the other direction. This time I found her.
Barred Owl Aug 21 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
That's a mighty zoom that you have there. sure are lucky!
persistence paid off
How lucky are you!
A gorgeous face with those dark eyes, what a delight to find her and get a video. She must feel so safe to fly close by.
Owl sightings are always special, Jennifer. They are certainly well camouflaged. Wonder if it might be interested in a snack of goldfish.
WOW what a gift that you get to see her and get her picture!
Lovely owl photo! (I once saw a Barred Owl and Red Fox competing to catch a squirrel in Algonquin Park. The Owl won!)
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