It's an interesting action. Canada's new cases are going down. Why would they want to risk their family, friends, or fellow humans in society?
This plane circled three times. Hard to tell what they were up to!

Anyway, it's been HOT. Really hot. And the bugs are bad. We had a heat warning throughout southern Ontario. The air conditioner is rumbling along. What a relief.
We've been entertaining the kidlets.
We spent a lot of time indoors. It is just too buggy and HOT. Fortunately, I'd planned ahead. Jos worked like a demon on the puzzle. She put everything together, and was missing THREE PIECES! Oh, no! She told me about a puzzle they have at home. It's of the periodic table (I know, geeks!), and is missing one piece. Anyway, we looked under the couch and found two. Then, we moved the coffee table, and there we are!
The vernal frogpond is drying up. So sad. The remaining bullfrog tadpoles (who are tadpoles for 2 years), will hunker down in the mud, as well as the other critters.
Thursday is our order-dinner day. I ordered pizza online. Poor Grampa can't eat it (no dairy, yeast or eggs), so he had a frozen dinner. I asked if the girls wanted a TV dinner, as they hadn't finished their afternoon movie (late start!), but Jos said no, she'd prefer to eat with us!
The good news is that we truly had rain! About 10 mm during the storm, but another front moved in and topped it up. Everything flora has expanded, the ground can expand, and it smells wonderful.
11 comments: you have idiots up there too!!!
We had more welcome rain around dinner time. My buckets are all full again.
We had a small plane flying around here for most of the day earlier in the week. We use a program called Flightrader24 that tracks plane traffic overhead. We figure he was either doing some sort of surveying or perhaps flight school. He followed a distinct pattern OVER and OVER and OVER for hours. There is a county airport not that far from us. I'm pretty sure there is a flight school there too.
Our air conditioners are getting quite a workout. Ours is 20 years old but had an overhaul last summer so we have our fingers crossed. Stay cool.
We had two real dumps of rain on the last two days of June -- saved VT from setting the record for lack of rainfall in the month of June.
Happy belated Canada Day!
Lucky you to have had a break in the drought. My patch only got a tiny sprinkle. Can't remember it being so dry here before.
No rain here and things are very dry!
I'd heard about those protesters on the Hill.
Isn't it just like a cat to do that?
We had rain that was almost sleet, at 5.1C. The pond liner, we had the same , it is where it gets sunshine on it. There is a very expensive rubber liner that is said to last longer, maybe you need the sides to go straight down and have big slabs where the top part goes up and over to the ground. Try Mr Google, he has an answer for everything. Enjoy your rain.XXX
We had a wee drizzle. CP often seems to miss the rain and storms.
We are still waiting for the thunder storms they keep threatening us with - one of these days.
Belated Happy Canada Day Wishes.
All the best Jan
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