We're watching a lot of TV. Poor JB is in pain. He stands. He sits. He's figured out the triggers: sitting too long. It's winter, it's tough walking. He's been going out to the arena, to get back on track with his exercise routines. Driving doesn't hurt it.
JB's been to the doctor several times for various medications, as well as a prescription for massage and physio. Massage hasn't done too much in terms of repair. Last week he went for an ultrasound.
We finally have a diagnosis. JB's ultrasound shows that he has a rotator cuff tendon tear, AKA supraspinatus tendon. Physio is on Monday.
In the meantime, he has wrestled with this for weeks, changing chairs, buying a back brace, several heating pads, and finally turned to pain killers.
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Happily, hubby can still shop. He went out to fetch more cat food (EMERGENCY!!!) and brought me home a subway for lunch. The bun was a bit stale, which has happened before. My stomach was growling, so I ate it.
Indoors, Nutmeggie snuggles in... one of her favourite spots.
"If I fits, I sits!"
We're a bit cold, so I shall clean the heater in the next couple of days.

Outside, I scrubbed and refilled the bird bath, and refilled feeders. It was good to get some fresh air. The first robins have appeared.
The crows flew overhead. There seemed to be an event of some sort. I don't know what they are up to. They are clever creatures. I caw back at them, but they aren't inclined to respond. Someone online suggested I said something bad!
Hi Jen ... Sorry about all the pain problems .. it all seems to be amplified when we are locked indoors with it .. it is amazing JB can do what he does when he is handling that much pain too.
I laughed at your crow comments .. yes, perhaps you didn't quite get the accent correct ? and they were offended ? LOL
Nutmeggie is a hoot .. I always have great admiration how cats can make themselves so comfortable no matter where they find their special spot ;-)
Hope you are feel better soon ? at least it is March now ? LOL
The week ahead is looking simply Marvelous!!
Hope you folks start feeling better soon. Glad you are shaking off the cold Jenn. Horrible stuff.
...aches and pains and all of that, but the robin is a sight to behold.
I wonder why it takers so long for a correct diagnosis. The diagram shows the shoulder parts so clearly, when Hugh fell, he fractured the acronium bone, the tiny one at the very outside edge. Snow, still very cold up north, in the far south younger daughter has crocus blooming, and up north in Carolina, they are also flowering, how crazy is that. J B, I hope now they know what the damage is, physio or anything else will ease that constant pain . More TLC, did I hear you call out loudly??? Ask the spices to come and comfort you!!!
I've seen a lot of robins too!
I'm an expert on torn rotator cuff. Run , don't walk and get a cortisone shot.The cortisone helped a long way even if it didn't cure it. I can live with what I've got now. I sympathize with JB. As far as old and aches and pains go...forget it! You're too young for that stuff.
Poor JB... That sounds so very painful. I sure hope he gets some relief soon.
Let's hear it for the robins.
The two-week forecast has most days getting above freezing.
So good to see the robin, I do like these birds.
All the best Jan
Nutmeg looks relaxed.
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