JB called me to the kitchen window.

Look at him! We've had a buck visit without antlers, and this, our regular big guy still has them. I still might find one this year, although the snow is pretty deep.

Look at him! We've had a buck visit without antlers, and this, our regular big guy still has them. I still might find one this year, although the snow is pretty deep.

Friday, Feb. 7th
I was checking data from last February. It was wet, with rain, and up and down temperatures.

We had some snow.

It was wild. I was covered in snow. The wind blowing in my face in 40 km/hr gusts. No matter which way I went, it circled around me. I was grumpy and cold. I had to come in and put on my longer, warmer coat, and a fresh neck warmer Jean had kindly sent.

We've had a number of snowblowers over the years. We sold this one after moving to Muskoka, as the gravel driveway didn't make it worthwhile at all.
This driveway, here in Lanark County, is 100 m long. I can do four passes and get most of it. Beside the garage, and at the end of the driveway, it takes a bit more work. My problem is that I keep forgetting which way to turn the mechanical crank for the chute, and ending up with snow in my face! It's a hoot. Not at the time, of course!
I don't mind doing it. It's a good snowblower, with brakes to help it turning. I did have to come in and put on my longer, warmer coat. My neck warmer was soaked. The wind kept whipping the snow in my face.
After a hot shower, and a rest, I felt better!!!
Saturday the kids came over. More on that later. This morning, it's a bit chilly.
I turned up the heat, and put more wood on the fire. Isabelle thanked me!

It was darn cold yesterday. The snow moon was glorious, but was not about to bother with it, partly from cold and partly from time.
Hari OM
We don't have the depth of temperature - but Storm Ciara is certainly battering us at the moment. Snow in the West and North but not here in Edinburgh. Just wet stuff and large quantities of it. YAM xx
...I've heard many things about Canada's medical system, but waiting that long for cataract surgery is just awful. Several years ago I had both eyes done in a timely manner. Stay safe and warm.
I am staying in today, it was so cold last night. What a sight in your backyard, like a Disneyland movie!
You sure do see a lot of deer and turkeys in your yard. I hope the storm has moved away and the snow melts fast. The minus temps are too cold. Have a happy day and a great new week!
Wow! Look at all the critters in your backyard and what great photos ~ And look at you snow blowing ~ lots of work ~ you are doing a great job! Hope hubby is on the mend ^_^
Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Too. cold, too much snow, and down here it has been too hot. This morning lovely cool start to the day, about 11C.
That’s a long wait for your cataract surgery. Good luck finding those antlers
My goodness, where are you having the surgery? My FIL had his done this week in Ottawa with a very short wait. My sis and her BF just had theirs done in Peterborough, again short waits. What the heck is going on with yours!!!!!
I enjoy the sight of snow in the pictures. I'm glad, though, I don't have it in my daily reality. I feel better in a mild weather with no snow, no heavy rains, no storms.
Must be a local thing with the cataract surgery, Jenn. I am scheduled for both eyes - less than three months after the initial check.
The deer certainly make themselves at home.
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