I love those selfies!!!
The raccoons are out and about, as well.
I love these twins. One in front, the other trailing behind.
We've been having Lake Effect Snow, ribbons of snow picking up moisture from the Great Lakes. Snow showers, with the sun making the snow sparkle. I just thought this was pretty.
snow from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
We expect some freezing rain tomorrow. Perhaps 25 - 30 mm, although they do tend to overestimate. We shall see.
I'm on the mend, the cough is some better, but JB is still coughing hard. I whipped out to the restaurant and picked up two orders of fish and chips for dinner. (After going to Carleton Place to fetch some supplies, I was baffed.) We saved half of our meal, and have enough for another meal! The tree lights were pretty in the dark. These are photos from my day trip. The first one is from the canoe rental place!

That selfie made me chuckle -- much better than most selfies I have seen.
Baffled is a seldo heard expression. I think I’ve only known one person to use it.
I haven't had fish and chips for a long time. If you can find a place that makes them well it is a real treat once in a while. The best I ever had were in Wales several years ago. They were as close to perfect as you could possibly get.
...I LOVE the Christmas Flamingo! Enjoy this festive time of year.
7C, that might not be so totally cold, but enough to have snow. Ears back, our cat does that when he is stalking or not happy. or extra alert.
Fish and chips sound GREAT...I need to have some of that soon. I'm glad to hear your cough is better. Love those deer selfies!!! :)
It is great you see the deer so close by. The fish and chips sound yummy. I hope you are both feeling better. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!
Stay safe in that freezing rain.
Pleased to read you are on the mend … hopefully JB's cough will get better soon.
I do enjoy this time of year being out and about and seeing the different Christmas decorations. I enjoyed your photographs ...
All the best Jan
I could use a light up flamingo for my deck!
Jeepers you two have been under the weather for awhile, but it sounds like it's finally clearing up for both of you!
I've never ordered groceries for pick up and always wondered how it would work. Sounds like it could be very useful at some point.
Love the trailcam photos and videos...always fun to seen. And where are you finding the good fish and chips? Also sounds like something I'd like to get in on. :)
Lots of good things on the trail cams. Some day you my get a big surprise. Moose!
Wonderful trail cam photos ~ and delightful post ~ do hope you both are healed soon!
Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
It's such a treat seeing the deer.
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