We passed this house in Smiths Falls. I am always shocked seeing the Confederate Flag, especially in Canada. I don't know if they either don't understand the roots of this flag or don't care. That said, we live in the Back Off Government capital of Ontario. who are we to talk?!
We were window shopping in Smiths Falls, and I was getting the hangries! (Grumpy and hungry.)
Another lunch out, thankfully, all I'd had was a piece of toast at 8:00. By now, it was 1:30.
This is a newly renovated "gastro pub." It used to be Coffee Culture, and opened in November, I believe. I love these older buildings, they have character and presence. It was a comfortable atmosphere. Smiths Falls is changing it up, what with the influx of residents and jobs from Tweed, the marijuana plant in the old Hershey factory!
Axe and Arrow

I'd done a workout that morning. It was yummy, and guilt-free. I had an elk burger. This shopping stuff is hard work. The salad had a lovely, light dressing.

The decor is interesting. In the restroom hallway, several axes are up on the wall. In the women's washroom, some amazing photos of women standing around in the bush, perhaps in the 1930s or 40s, holding axes. I like the bricks.

The roads were quite dry and bare. Thankfully. The fields are full of melted and refrozen snow water. We've gone from 8˚ C. last Thursday, to -1˚.

We visited Dan Peter's auction house,looking for a used TV stand, but they are only selling online, now. Who knew? The driveway was quite a bumpy mess! Rural life in the springtime.

We looked at having lunch at Rob Roy's in the hotel, but might save it for a summer's day. Inside was dark, and we weren't approached by a server at all, walking through the pub. The patio looks terrific.

Smiths Falls is an interesting town. They are contemplating switching parking from parallel to straight on. It's quite a debate, apparently.

I love this small property. It's enough to keep a boat and a little shed, like this. Water access would be wonderful. It was selling for $9000 , but I cannot find it online anymore. The house across the street is for sale for $579,900. I'll bet they are part of the same original farm property.

Parking and walking is a bit tricky in Perth! We headed there to look at a couple of pieces. This is due to the snowfall/thaw/freeze!

Our driveway looks better! A lot less ice. I can tell spring is coming from all the photos of people on the beach, and bloggers to the south and across the pond
We have a canal where the driveway had been melting and draining. It's an ice rink. We must be patient.

Beautiful renovated building! It has indeed 'presence and character'. Even the food looks better in such a place.
Ice begone! Elk burger, that is adventurous. I used to love shopping in younger days.
I always thought it would be hilarious if the government outlawed the Back Off Government signs.
I never like shopping. We have a TV but I hardly watch any TV. I used to be a TV addict chasing after TV series. Hope you find a good TV stand.
I don't like shopping anymore either ~ Hope you got a TV you want???
Lovely photos of your 'journey' ~ ^_^
Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Ashes are great on the driveway ice
Not bragging down here but the weather man told me a few minutes ago we might get 24C today. Love the TV stand, keep it, useful, handy, and at the end of its life, it can be recycled ( the cardboard that is) into more paper or card. Shopping is hard work, and I prefer to leave it to someone else!!!
look like snow starts to melt. Hope, warmer coming soon.
Have a great day with a good TV stand.
Well now...you have me with the hangries for an elk burger!
Nice new header!
Elk burger! Wow ... it looks good too. Great potato chips as well, nice and thick (possibly you call them fries? not sure, sorry).
I enjoyed wandering around with you both - you make good guides with your narratives. Cheers :D)
I imagine the people with the rebel flag know precisely what it means, and agree with what it means.
Jenn - yes, patience is the name of the game. The three miles we travel from the highway to our house has gone from hard-packed snow to mud deep enough to swallow a small child. Not fun to drive in … but soon enough it will dry out and then we will be in dust phase! Love your trip out - it's always a joy to dig into a good meal after a workout. Have a great week!
Hi Jenn, I will keep that restaurant in mind...Smith's Falls is accessible from our end and I too love being in these older brick homes with all the history. Axes, humm interesting. We do a lot of looking online at the various auctions, Maxsold and Ontario HiBid are two we check out. I will add Dan to our list. I heard a cardinal singing yesterday but really hope the rest of them don't come yet, the ones that require bugs as no go just yet.
Great post, great photos.
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