I had to hack away at the ice where I bring in the wood. The rope from my log sled was frozen in 5" of ice. The hatchet was perfect, except I sliced through the rope. I just retied it. I thought my faithful readers might get a giggle from my story. Someone mentioned an axe in a blog post, as I mulled over how to free my sled, and I realized that was the answer.
I fixed up hubby's beautiful eagle feather, a gift from a First Nations friend of the bird clan. She did a smudging for him. Also in the shadow box, a pottery turtle shell and another feather. I had to mull this project over, as well. Mounting it on the wall looks perfect.
March is here, and time for a decor switch. I thought I'd cleverly wrap my white December tree with green ribbon. It was covered in snow Saturday night. It didn't show up as much as I'd have thought. Back to the drawing board!
Down on the frozen frogpond...I took a walk, turkeys and a coyote, who cleverly avoided the trailcam.

We continue to see many deer and turkeys. This two were playing tag around the tree. You must realize I saw them do this, then ran for the video camera, and they were still doing it.
turkey tag from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
deer feeder from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Doe on the trailcam. The new one shows her beautiful brown eyes.
Does this ever piss me off. I have a collection of the these phone scam frauds on video. I know these people live in poverty and take any job they can get, but to think that it is moral to rip off retirees is insane.
I must admit that I played along. I had wine beside me. Just sayin'. 😀ðŸ¤)) Hubby was in the basement watching his curling, and I paused the TV.
He wanted my "Wisa or Mastercard #" in order to give me a new interest rate on my card. You can listen, I couldn't believe it. Nothing phased him.
I'm getting a number of spam comments. I cannot fathom this. I'm an old, white woman in North America. Why would I permit these comments?
Your chilli looks amazing, I should try ground poultry instead of gr beef
I think I have seen that Mumbai one quite a lot, even on my own blog.
Cold again, but better is on the way. Next week.
I don't know how these people can sleep at night! I can sure see how vulnerable people would slip up and pass their information to these scammers. One of the TV programs did quite a piece on them the other night, I think it was Marketplace. We like to play silly beggers with them when they phone here too. My fellow isn't so polite though!
I'm getting those Mumbai things too. That's the price we pay for blogging in a public forum I guess.
I screen my calls vigorously. If somebody really wants me they'll leave a message.
haha!!! Play them along big time, they have no qualms at all about telling lies, after all,it is just Their job. But how they can do it and not feel bad at the end of their shift is beyond me. I get calls about my laptop, Microsoft and I play them along, then tell them I only have Apple. One caller told me " Do you have an apple handy? Peel it and eat a slice, you are a very smart lady"!! I had to laugh.Sorry you cut the rope, hope it is tied up tightly again.
You cout right through the gordian knot! Sweet deer, dear <3
Blogger is doing a fine job with its moderation feature. Spammers get tired in the end. They still have a lot of work provided by those bloggers that, for some weird reason, don't use moderation.
I've seen the Mumbai one around frequently, but that and other spam gets either automatically filtered out or sent to the spam folder by me if it happens to get past the filters.
Your chilli looks amazing … I'd love some please :)
All the best Jan
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