I saw the truck coming, told hubby to stop well back from the lines. There was a car illegally parked on our left.
Do you think Perth needs a ring road?

The purpose of our visit to town was to purchase a smartphone, and some cell phone service. They fixed our phone line, after 15 days [The whole saga: ☎️Bell Canada – Let's Talk]. Mission accomplished. Now, we could transfer our landline phone number, which is really convenient, but not without a fight. The kids told me that when they converted their phone, and transferred their number, which took a week. We'll see how long this takes. Both phones work, for now.

The turkeys have been hanging around.

It was going to be a miserable day, Wednesday, Feb. 6th. We knew it was coming. The deer didn't look too happy.

Hubby went out for a knee x-ray, and fetched some groceries before it began. Slowly it crept northwest. First snow, then ice pellets.

What did it look like? After a massive melt on the previous day, there is ice everywhere. This is the end of the driveway.

The roads weren't great. It is wonderful seeing the snowplows going back and forth.

This is the front sidewalk, which I had laboriously scraped and chipped.

The 'birds' didn't mind at all. They fed religiously all day.
Our themes are similar today.
I hope they finish your phone changeover ASAP.
We are having phone wars too. Enough to drive a person gaga.
It's a hard life when you have to eat horizontally, clinging on for dear life. Take care on those marbles!!!
The squirrel is a welcome sight to see. I just checked the forecast after reading AC's post for today, and we're supposed to get some freezing rain in the night, but the temperature is going to plummet tomorrow.
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