I'd heard about a power outage in Lombardy Wednesday. There was some consternation, as power was to be out until noon. That was extended, I heard from friends. It was out from 4 a.m. until 4 p.m. You can imagine what this means on a cold day. These are the kind of temperatures we've been having. Most of us out here have an alternate source of heat.

This truck slipped on the ice and took out a hydro pole. The highway reopened after they took the transport away. People were complaining
Much as we disparage Hydro One for various reasons, all the front line worker bees are amazing.
They were still working on the hydro pole. Power was up, but they didn't have telephones back up.

By 4 p.m. they didn't have telephone, perhaps Friday, today! They all coped, as neighbours checked in on neighbours. Traffic thundered by, as traffic was rerouted.
It remains cold. The lakes have a thin layer of ice.
This is how we began our day, Friday. It's Gramma Camp for the weekend. More news to follow!
Always think of alternate means to electricity, cars, even food and water. This applies to people in war zones as well as to people in bad weather zones.
The power men, life savers as they work in hot and freezing weather. When I was a child, our farm was at the very end boundary of one power area. After they came, power back on, my Mum always gave them tea, scrambled eggs on toast, and so many thanks. Down here, people complain if they lose power for a short while, and years ago in a massive storm, the men were not allowed into the area where there were trees until the wind had gone. They call that " Widow Makers" as the trees are so dangerous. Love your photos, and the deer, guess the feeders are really popular.XXX to youall
The last two pics are very nice indeed.
I'd say you have winter there. Enjoy!
The deer know where the good stuff is!
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