Tuesday 23 October 2018


Life continues on here is the wetland. Autumn is settling in, with normal temperatures.
It's Tuesday, JB dispatches and delivers Meals on Wheels. I sit with my client, who fears thunderstorms. Of COURSE, it's going to rain!!!! Up north, they have snow, and I cannot complain.

Hooper is enjoying his new heated home. I'm using the Christmas lights timer, and the heater goes on at dusk, and goes off at dawn. This is fine, as the sun warms him in the day when he seeks shelter there. He likes to be out at night. He came in, and Daisy went out, at 4:00 a.m.

This is really fun. Coyote was playing with a stick down in the forest.

Daisy and I went down, and she sure gave the area a sniff!

Then, we had a trio in the backyard, who also appeared on the trailcam.


Karen said...

Love the coyote clip.

DUTA said...

I also fear storms (childhood trauma), and I rather dread the approaching winter. The weather is getting worse everywhere, so we have to adjust somehow (moving inland, for example). Yes, we might become nomads again.

Nancy J said...

That coyote, was there a smell on the stick that attracted him to it? Just like a big pussy cat playing. Looks cold !!!

Anvilcloud said...

We saw a coyote (I presume and not a wolf) running ahead of the car on a back road during our hols.

Sue (this n that) said...

Oooh chilly Jenn.
I bet your client really appreciated your company during the thunderstorm.

Great clip of the deer 😊

William Kendall said...

Daisy would definitely pick up on the scent of a coyote, even hours later.

Olga said...

I went by my old place recently. The field where we used to see all kinds of wildlife wandering through -- turkeys, coyotes, foxes, deer, moose, once a bear -- is now completely overgrown and filled with white pine trees. I think the animals are still there, but they would be hard to see from the back deck now. Made me a bit sad.

Christine said...

Yes, it's getting cold.