In the meantime, both Ontario Hydro and Ottawa Hydro are bringing people back up onto the power grid. First Responders are still out there, especially the OPP. Chainsaws are being fired up, and people are being warned. Food safety is an issue, the freezers thawing. Ontario has Disaster Recovery Assistance. Police are givings warnings:
As we enter day two of recovery, take care of yourself, take your time cleaning up and please check on your neighbour.
There were two tornadoes, F3. Gatineau, as well as Ottawa (Arlington Woods, Craig Henry, Greenbank Rd.: places where I lived), and people are either evacuated, being put up by Red Cross, or repairing.
I used to live near Greenbank Rd., this is startling! One guy spent two hours on the phone waiting for his insurance company to answer the phone.
We sincerely wish we could provide restoration times for all of you. As soon as we know, we will post. Ottawa's electricity grid has not sustained such extensive damage since the Ice Storm of 1998. Our crews will continue to work around the clock. Scene at Greenbank today: pic.twitter.com/84q58zTnwz— Hydro Ottawa (@hydroottawa) September 22, 2018
Back in the day, when I was a kid, whenever a snake turned up at the lake Mom and Dad would call it Susie Snake. The tradition of naming critters continues.
I watched her for awhile. She began on the far side, then skootched under the rocks to the end of the pond. I sat on a stool and watched her.

She was not too confident in snatching a froggie. Maybe it was me watching her! She did this weird head wagging.
The goldfish pond did well, after 34 mm of rain (1.3") over two days. The rainfall flowed from the roof, into the water barrel, into the pond, refreshing and flowing.
The first photo was from 2011. The rest are from a couple of days ago, Friday.

In preparing for the big winds, I took down the patio umbrella. A tree frog needed to be encouraged to go its way. It landed on the tabletop.

🎶🎶"One of these things is not like the other!"🎶🎶

Hari Om
only heard about your storm yesterday from my Gatineau pals; the have their generator to help them out, but otherwise without power.
I seem to recall something about snakes needing to 'triangulate' by shifting their heads... or is that an imagined memory??! YAM xx
Terrible about the Ottawa tornado damage! I better get my warm clothes out, snow up north wow.
There's a lot of people in a certain amount of distress right now. I don't suppose the seekers (for sustence and gas) came as far as Perth, but they sure hit CP.
I didn't hear any prediction for tornadoes. did they have any warnings?
You wonder what the frog made of the artificial counterparts.
I didn't know it was a tornado until Saturday.
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