We had a road trip, though.
That said we were off to another treatment appointment for hubby. Crows, traffic; what me worry? The sick guy was feeling fine! He's been taking good care of me.
It was a very nice day. Twenty three degrees C. We left at 10 a.m., most of the rush hour traffic was gone. The corn and sow beans are growing well, despite the lack of rain. I love the farms.

Through North Gower, where I used to live.

Kars, where I used to teach gr. 6.

We drive on River Rd., which has lots to see. It turns into Riverside Dr., where they are practicing dragon boating!

The homes are amazing. All I think of is all that house cleaning! I do find it fun looking them up.
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1534 River Rd. is for sale! Only $2.5 million!
5 bedrooms, 5 bath. On the river.
Pool and hot tub, wine cellar, sauna, steam room, 3-car garage, you name it!
This is only one of the large suburban homes!

These apartments look out over the Ottawa River. Ottawa is a lovely city.

Construction, it's going to be worse, they are redoing the asphalt soon.

The newly renovated Canada Science and Technology Museum.

Robbie's for lunch, as usual.

One man and his wife left an examination room, and came back out. They took him back in, and were looking for his wife. She was around the corning of the waiting area. She shook her head, NO. I was sitting in the middle and signaled to the nurse and hubby that she declined. They went in without her. I said to her, loudly, "I hear you, sister!" One can only take so much!
There was a man there with two ambulance attendants and a social worker. He was from another city to the south. The social worker was helping him fill in his forms, he would have to repeat his address and phone number for her to write it down. There is very little privacy.
We arrived for the appointment at 12:40, after lunch. Our appointment was for 13:15 and they ask us to be there 15 minutes early. Hah! We didn't get into our appointment until 14:05. They were packed, as they were on vacay last week. We should have been in here 12 weeks after the last one. The medical residents were young, and cheerful. Our visit was succinct.
The needle! We pick it up at our local pharmacy and take it to the appointment. It's delivered into his hip. He's sore this morning, which is to be expected. It's doing its job.

The sink reminds me of my friend Ruby's story about the woman who put her purse in a public sink, in front of an automatic tap. Her purse filled with water, and soaked her wallet, iPhone, etc. Then she dumped the water onto the floor and complained to Ruby, warning her that she needed to get someone in to clean up the floor. One of the 1% in Muskoka!

They asked him about his symptoms, reviewed his tests, and agreed to keep on carrying on. The good news is that the next two treatments, November and January, we can do nearby in town, with our GP. Yippee! We are at the watchful stage. Eventually, the treatments will no longer work and we will deal with that then. The cancer cells become inured to the chemicals.
We saw this building being built, that's how long we've been on this road!

Homeward bound. Would you ride on this bike? It looks scary to me.

As we drove home, the clouds began to accumulate. We had a bit of rain on the way, but none at home!

I heard a weather chaser tell us that if the precipitation is green, it's likely hail!

I tried to imagine the message I could put on these message boards as they were delivered to wherever they should be going!

Now, this is the reason why I gird my loins before we leave. We drive about the speed limit. We leave in enough time to get there safely, others would rather not. Two in a row, at first.

Home safe, I checked in (on-line) with Caitlin and her family. They have made it from Ottawa to Chicago, Turkey, Ethiopia, on safari in Tanzania, then Paris, Zurich to Singapore, having a blast. They are using travel points of some sort. They are on a world tour! We did Facetime a few days ago. They were in an AirBnB in Paris for a week. I'm writing them a book of their travels, they post blog photos for friends and family. It is fun watching them from my easy chair.

A road trip seems to be the best cure for you.
House on the river? Well, not exactly recommended considering the anomalous climate of the last years. Inland is safer.
Feel better, and take care!
Flight check? Great fun to watch as their plane flies to the next place. A long way for #60 appt., so good to know the local GP can deal with the next two. A cold ice pack on the nether region might help? Lots of huge homes? And a huge price tag as well.But that outdoor seating area, I love that best of all.
I really have to get out to the Science & Tech museum sometime.
That intersection at Bank St. is quite familiar to me, though I don't cross it as often as I did when I was living in the area.
Do hope you feel better soon.
hope you Feel better soon! At least you had a bit of fun on your road trip (as you always do).
My family has the ability to make me physically ill too!
We sometimes drive into the city via Dwyer Hill Road then on to River Road. Every time we go there is another McMansion along the river.
This blog's a marathon. You cover a lot of territory in one day. Keep well.
Sorry to hear about the IBS - impressed that you aren't letting it keep you down … I am guessing the folks that own that $2.5M home can afford a housekeeper!!!
I don't envy you these trips: neither the reason for them nor the actual trip.
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