I took a wander down to the trailcam, the humidity is wonderful for my cough. Deerflies: here is what I know The bugs are busy, despite the heat. Can you count them? This was about a half hour, and I brought back 33 deerflies on my sticky patch. Of course, I fed them to the gold fish. They were happy to have them. They are pretty things, when they are stuck. I took some macro photos before I traded in my macro lens.
They take a chunk out of you!

This is a weed, but it is so pretty I didn't have the heart to mow it down. There is a little tiny bee-thingie in the lower part of the medium photo! After a bit of research... Blueweed, or
Viper's Bugloss (Echium vulgare)
One lovey peace rose.

Yes, beyond 40˚ C. in the sunshine.
I'm still fighting a cold, now in my chest. Coughing a lot, and just happy it is summer. Hubby has been wonderful, doing chores and fetching microwaveable dinners!
And who did I see on the trailcam? Stay tuned tomorrow!
I can't even look at bugs, certaily not count them. On the other hand, the tomato, the deer, the blue weed , the rose, and you in the pool - are a pretty sight.
Deer flies. There is a special place in hell for them! Your pool is adorable and yes, it is HOT. But summer should feel like summer in my opinion and it certainly does! -Jenn
OMG, who knew that those pesky flies had such psychedelic heads. Well good that they have some purpose as goldfish food.
Don't you look like you know how to beat the heat. Excellent. You do need to get a bell to summon the pool boy when a fresh beverage is required.
Hari OM
Love that practical hat! The eyes are amazing... love your stay cool strategy! YAM xx
Lovely photos, hope your cold improves!
Fishing for flies, that's a new one for me. We are so lucky at the cabin that we have few flying sucking insects. The bats and swallows help I'm sure. - Margy
Super post and a sweet header shot too. Ugh on the cold! Hope you get rid of it quickly. Those flies must be absolute horrors but pretty in macro, truly fascinating. Great idea attaching the sticky tape. Your weed is beautiful and one of these days I will try growing tomatoes again.
Just looking at you in the pool warms me up, we have zero C this morning, and both fires are lit.Roll onto summer, I say.Get well soon,meantime lap up all that TLC.
Okay, I can guess. Something in a blue container of water and a red float. Am I right!!!
Blueweed is pretty.
The deer fly are wretched. I don't miss them in the city.
I hope you feel better soon.
The wildflowers are just beautiful out in our meadow right now. They don't mind the heat!
Vipers Bugloss is indeed a lovely thing. I don't know why it was given such an ugly name.
My roses, tomatoes and squash are just booting along beautifully. The "big" garden gave it up though. We weren't able to water it properly when the hose got chewed, then the rabbits got at it. The living things are all in pots and grow bags and getting watered by hand every evening.
The lilies should be putting on their show right about the time the roses finish.
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