We've made it through Sunday afternoon, Monday, and now it is Tuesday. I'm not totally running it in a logical fashion. I don't have to. I am retired! I no longer jump at the bell every 40 minutes. I don't have to keep an eye on the time, the next class change, getting coats on for recess, and when it is toileting time, or lunch time.
Yesterday I'd forgotten to write about Jos and Grampa's visit to the leather worker in Smiths Falls. Honestly, Chris tried to retire, but it didn't happen. Jos made a stamp, Chris showed her how, and gave her a beautiful arrowhead on a leather necklace.
Meantime, Isabelle was up at 5:45 Monday, a more reasonable 7:30 on Tuesday.
One of our jobs is to check on the monarch egg on the milkweed beside the front walk. IT HATCHED! Milkweeds host many critters: More milkweed critters: caterpillars

It took Josephine to remind me where Grampa was this morning. I snorted. He's only been doing Tuesdays for, perhaps two years. Maybe more. I told her: Gramma is getting old!
Jos and I worked on the plot for our book. I taped it for memory purposes. She took about 50 photos of the little lego peeps. Much fun. We washed hair, and I brushed and braided her hair.
We repurposed our female astronaut and made her an undersea diver.

They are tiny pieces, and one watermelon fell below the deck. Isabelle and I had to do a recon, with Jos up above guiding us. After this, we put a blanket under the set!

Iz was in charge of removing ants from our scene.

We went down to Dodds & Irwin to fetch some rocks for rock painting. I was inspired by Linda at Crafty Gardener. Grampa had been by, on the way to Meals on Wheels, and sussed it out. There were some goodly sized rocks.

Once home, a quickie swim. It was nice in the pool. Then, our regular video, although it was late (3:20!). Smurfs. It was Jos' turn to choose.
I washed our stones, and Izzy sorted them.

I love this photo of Jos with Hooper.

We had a morning snack of rhubarb pie! Dinner was hamburgers and salad. Mango non-dairy ice cream for dessert! Even Grampa could have some.

Lucky girls to get to go to Gramma Camp! I have my grandson for the week so I am having adventures too.
Retirement is a wonderful period of time, both for Me time and for Family time - the things thar are important in life. Sadly, not all people are aware of this last chance we're given ,and are looking for more work outside.
I wonder if that's the same leather guy who sometimes comes to our market and who was also at Celtfest?
Hari OM
you totally had me at 'mango'!!! YAM xx
You're certainly keeping them busy.
what a gret camp. Makes me want to be a child again :)
Looks like gramma camp is going well with no snags .
Wow, what fun packed days.And leather goodies as well as painted stones, this will be/ IS a super holiday .
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