As I work out in the morning, I can watch news, talk shows, or W Network movies. Since the three news networks I watch (CBCNN, CTVNN, CNN) will all cover one US press conference, I often resort to the chick flicks. Currently, they are sappy Christmas movies!
This one, I realized, was filmed in near-by Almonte. I recognized the scenery. In fact, I've been taking photos of the hydro plant refurbishment for a couple of years!
There are several places that we frequent.

L. G. and Sons store. (Mr. Lee, of Lee Valley, died recently.) They filmed in his lovely new store.

El Postino's cafe is in the building in the background, a former post office!

City Hall!

It's awfully nice to see places you know in a movie which is intended to millions of people.
We love looking for familiar landmarks in the Christmas movies. Port Perry, Uxbridge and Millbrook, Ontario are frequent flyers. I have roots in them all!
When we see a movie made down here in NZ, it is thrilling to see familiar places.Looks like a lovely movie. Good place to be inside ,keeping warm.
It's neat to see a movie shot in a familiar locale!
So this is a movie with a local flavor that makes it more interesting. Maybe you'll see yourself in the back ground.
A movie I haven't heard of. Occasionally there's filming done in the city- the last time I can recall coming across something being done was seeing Jon Cryer across the street doing a scene. I don't particularly like him as an actor!
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