Here we are. We'll see what the new year brings. I know what I hope for: something other than a Polar Vortex!
I wrote an article on Hope.
Hope: framing it
As we age, the things we hope for change. Hope changes, too.
One must hope for different things:
One must hope for different things:
- hope for a good day
- hope for visitors
- hope for the small things that make life good to live
- hoep to go outdoors
- hope to be pain-free.
Framing happiness: our attitude
My blogger buddy just responded to a tag-you're-it post. The prompt is to reply to 6 Things That Make Me Happy. I think that happiness is far less something you depend upon from external forces than a choice to appreciate what is in the here and now. What is... simply is. We must accept it deal with it, and no longer hunger for the past, or for the what ifs, if onlys, or the things that add little to our lives.
Despite our trials and tribulations in 2017, I am very lucky to live where I am, and with my dear hubby.

Meantime, we had 12 deer, with one young buck. This photo is out our kitchen window.
No sign of Tigger. :'(

I just checked. We have a bit of a weather break for thee days and then 3 more of cold.
Hari OM
I appreciate your take on happiness. Now on into another year. One foot in front of the other! YAM xx
Hope, that comes with its dreams, the realisation that the past is gone, and the future lies ahead. I am so thankful for living here, for what we have, and my dearest blog friends. IF I could have one hope granted, it would be to travel north and meet each one of you, a dream that probably will not see reality, but I still dream of the trip, and plan it out occasionally, Even this gives me huge happiness. Hope on, my dear friend, continue to live as you do, facing each day with love, laughter and courage. XXXX for 2018.
Yep, really cold here these days! Last week a weatherman said it was colder in southern Ontario than it was at the North Pole! I remember that last year we did not get a January thaw. Looks like a repeat this time. I completely agree with your 'happiness' attitude. Right now is kind to us and deserves our appreciation. Here's wishing you and your clan a Happy New Year! Florence (Out To Pasture)
Happy New Year!
Could Tigger have sprouted a different shape of horns this year?
Good question, William. Short answer: No. Every year they are the same shape. I've read, in the deer bible, that if they have one that is deformed it always grows that way! People who follow deer find that they can tell them apart this way.
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